Michael Davis, Writer/Director, "8 Days a Week".

Michael Davis has lived in California for 14 years and graduated from film school. He has had many jobs in Hollywood but he really hopes "8 Days a Week" will be the film that gives him the opportunity to make more of the movies he's written.

In the movies, Davis re-wrote horror flicks "Prehysteria II" and "Prehysteria III" for Full Moon and in return Full Moon's kids' division, Moonbeam, let Davis direct his own script "Beanstalk", a comedy based on Jack and the Beanstalk. Many children's movies claim to appeal to all ages; "Beanstalk" actually does. (Check it out! It went straight-to-video, features among others the Canadian actress Margot Kidder, and is distributed by Paramount.)

Davis also directed a movie in which Steven Spielberg played Steven Spielberg-as a mental patient, George Lucas played George Lucas-as a mechanic, and Clint Eastwood plays an extra who gets whacked by someone else playing Dirty Harry. We're DYING to see this thing but it's not being distributed.

On TV Davis' biggest credit would have to be "Cheers: Last Call".

Davis has more projects in the works but now must take jobs wherever they come up out there. Last spring the worked on an art-department crew "lifting and moving stuff". "8 Days a Week" is Davis' shot at getting noticed by the major studios. He writes: "I have spent every cent of my life's savings to make '8 Days a Week'....The story of '8 Days a Week' is much like my own life. I'm the boy standing under the window and the filmmaking community is the girl at the window. My hero and I share a common goal- we hope to get noticed by the loves of our lives. Hopefully people will fall for the film. Then my hero and I will both get the girl."

Lastly we'd just like to say that Davis is a great guy, and that's the other reason why we wish him well. Shawn is forever calling him and faxing him and he always takes time to answer our questions, appreciating our interest. We hope Davis "gets the girl" as well.

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