
Here's some different bits of information regarding the movie Titanic, the actors from Titanic and the RMS Titanic.

Number of minutes it takes to watch the film Titanic: 194

Number of minutes it took to the actual Titanic to sink: 160

Number of hours passengers spent on the Titanic before it sank: 120(approx.)

Number of hours James Cameron spent on deep-sea explorations of the Titanic to gather underwater footage: 180(approx.)

Number of months it took to shoot the film: 7

Length of actual Titanic: 882 feet

Length of 90% scale Titanic model built for film: 784 feet

Amount of money it cost to build the Titanic in 1912: $7.5 million

Amount of money it would cost to build the Titanic today: $400 millon

Number of life jackets that were available on the Titanic: 3560

Number of cigars that were available on the Titanic: 8000

Number of people on board the Titanic on April 10, 1912: 2227

Number of people the Titanic's life boats were able to carry: 1178

Number of Titanic crew and passengers who perished at sea: 1522

Percentage of women and children in first-class who survived the Titanic tragedy: 94

Percentage of women and children in third-class who survived the Titanic tragedy: 47

Number of people who were taken ill on the final night of shooting Titanic after a prankster mixed PCP into the clam chowder being served to the cast and crew: 80

Cost of that one-way first-class ticket for the Titanic in 1912: $4350

Cost of that one-way first-class ticket today: $75,000(approx.)

Cost of a one-way third-class ticket for the Titanic in 1912: $15-$40

Cost of a one-way third-class ticket today: $460(approx.)

This information was obtained from WATCH, the Jan./Feb. issue.

Picture Gallery
The History of the RMS Titanic
 The actual RMS Titanic passenger list 
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