The Chris Farley Trivia Quiz

Here are some wacky ass trivia questions I came up with about Farley.  I wrote this for a local paper (although it never got printed as you'l see why), last year when Beverly Hills Ninja came out.  Some of these questions are actual Farley Fun Facts and others have dirived from my mental phsycosis.  Some questions probe the possibility of Farleys death.  I realize now that there can be only one explination for my forehand knowledge of this great tradgedy.  I am a prophet.  You must join me in the worship of the Great One.  Follow me.  I will be your shepard.  If you want to experience the power of the Farl and achieve oneness with Polish Kelbasa, light a Big Fat Doobie and smoke it in a utility vehicle near a lake.  Or you can take the Great One's trivia Quiz and see how ya do.  If you get all the answers right you win a whole lot of Jack Squat. Other than that, if you have any questions you'd like to add to the quiz, do old Phil a favor and email me at

1.     What politician did Mr. Farley impersonate in front of the United States Congress?
          a)     Bill Clinton
          b)     Bob Dole
          c)      Newt Gingritch
          d)      Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf
2.     Why do women find Chris Farley attractive?
          a)     His excessive weight is attractive to “chubby chasers.”
          b)     Women with small appetites don’t have to worry about finishing their meals.
          c)     They like his rolls of body fat.
          d)     They are charmed by his charisma.

3.       In what movie did Farley pluck a  mans nipple ring out?
          a)     Wayne’s World
          b)      Coneheads
          c)      Billy Madison
          d)      Airheads

 4.     Why should you join a religious cult that worships Farley?
         a)     You won’t need to stockpile fire arms because the Great Farley will protect
          b)     There will be lots of left over’s after a meal.
          c)      Farley is all knowing and will bestow you great knowledge.
          d)      Vans down by the river are comfortable.

5.        On MTV’s Road Rules what information did Farley give the cast when they
            spent a week with him on the set of Beverly Hills Ninja?
             a)     The secret to longevity is to eat a pound of lard a day.
             b)     In the coming apocalypse all skinny people will die.
             c)     Farley is really an ancient Hawaiian god, come to claim his throne.
             d)     For their next clue they must travel to Alaska.

*6.     When Farley dies which of the following will occur?
         a)     Farley’s body will be preserved in formaldehyde and put on display so his
                  faithful can worship him.
          b)    Farley is immortal and will never die.
          c)    Farley’s spirit will wander the earth torturing skinny guys.
          d)    His body will be ground up to feed the people of China.

7.     Do you remember that time when a former Beatle appeared on “The Chris Farley
        Show?”  Which one was it?
         a)     Paul McCartney
         b)      Kirk Hammet
          c)     James Hetfeild
         d)     Lars Ulrich

8.      Which statement is true about the political system of Farleyism?
           a)     All food consumption is controlled by the government.
           b)     All art and literature must pay tribute to Farley.
           c)     The government is controlled by a bicameral legislature known as the
            d)    All housing for citizens is provided by the state in the form of vans by rivers.

9.     In Tommy Boy what sad scene was put in so that Farley could pretend he is a real
            a)     Tommy’s puppy was caught in a meat grinder.
            b)     Farley realizes that because of his weight problem he’s going to “pull a John
             c)     Farley gets the girl at the end of the movie and then realizes that only
                     happens in the movies.
             d)     Tommy’s father dies.

10.     What happened when Scientists crossed Adam Sandler’s DNA with Farley’s DNA?
         a)     A new form of life was created which could kill people by making them laugh
                  until they bled.
          b)    An infertile hybrid was born.
          c)     No information has been obtained from this experiment due to a fatal
           d)     A huge monster known as Farlkong destroyed Manhattan.

11.     How many times has the Matt Foley, The Motivational Speaker been divorced and
         what did he loose?
        a)     Once and the house.
        b)     Twice and the van.
        c)      Thrice and the whole kit and kabootle.
        d)      Four times and a whole lot of Jack squat.

12.     When Farley eats beans or spicey food......
         a)     Authorities alert California to prepare for the “Big One.”
         b)     Where ever Farley is, that “house in the tornado” scene from The Wizard of
                   Oz happens.
         c.)     The FBI suspects that another terrorist bombing has occurred.
         d)       Militias in Montana gear up for the following attack by the United Nations.

13.     When Farley goes for a swim in the Atlantic Ocean.....
         a)     A flood warning goes into effect for the entire east coast.
         b)     Harpooners mistake him for a whale.
         c)     Radar operators at the National Weather Service are confused for hours.
         d)     If he’s in New Jersey he comes out of the water with seringes sticking out of
                  head so that he looks like that guy from Hellraiser.

14.     If Farley were to be in a plane crash.....
        a)     He’d provide the rest of the survivors with shelter.
        b)     He’d keep the survivors warm with his body fat.
        c)      Farley wouldn’t survive because of his weight problem.
        d)      If you have ever heard of the movie Alive you know were I’m coming from.

Answers:     1.C  2.B  3.D  4.A  5.D  6.D 7.A  8.D  9.D  10.A 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.D

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