Copyright Info

Disclaimer: All images contained here are the property of Twentieth Century Fox©, Paramount Pictures© and Lightstorm© Entertainment. This site has no affiliation with any of these properties and was created solely for entertainment purposes only.

Graphics: Some graphics have been created, re-designed, or enhanced by myself which often took countless hours to make and may NOT be taken for use on other web pages. Please respect the time and work I've put into making them and in creating this site. If you can not show respect for another's work then please do not visit my site.

This Web Site: No part of this site or any material within this site may be used without the expressed written permission from the author.

From the Author: This site and its author believes strongly in giving credit where credit is due. But sometimes things get stolen and distributed across the Internet without the owner's permission or knowledge. If that is the case with anything on my site please let me know so that I may you give you the credit you deserve.

~Thank You~

Every web master should be familiar with Web Etiquette. If you're not, check out the links below for more information:

Look But Don't Steal

Look But Don't Steal. This is very important to remember. A lot of artists have spent many, many hours creating their graphics or writing poetry or what have you. Please, if in doubt, ask before you take something.

Get Ready...

Grey Day is an organization where web masters around the world grey out their web sites as a symbol of what the web would look like if all the artists stopped creating.

Please Do Right By Copyright

Please Do Right By Copyright. Means to please respect that the work that is written on our pages is actually copyrighted to us and not up for anyone to reproduce in any way. Certainly not without our permission anyway.

Think Before You Link!

Web Prestige is all about respecting other people's space. When someone is kind enough to offer free graphics it means that you should upload those graphics to your own hard drive and not link to their site. This is called band width robbery and will not be tolerated.

Is Your Conscience Clean?

The 11th Commandment. Is Your Conscience Clean?
Artists create things for us, the people. The one thing they ask in return, is credit for their hard work and for their creations. Is that so much to ask?

Here are some links to help further inform you about the laws of copyright. They are all extremely informative.

A Word To The Wise
Judith has a very sad story of her own stolen creativity that is very moving to read with some excellent resources for copyright information.

Copyright Information
Just what is a copyright anyway?

Copyrights In Cyberspace
It's the Internet, I don't have to know anything about copyrights, everyone does it. Wrong.

Copyright Law Resources
Tons of copyright links to follow for lots of valuable information.

Copyright Myths
Wow! Even I found this page insightful and I've been to countless copyright web sites.

Copyright © 1998-2000 Titanic: An Ocean of Memories
All Rights Reserved