hdjfkfl - 09/25/00 23:41:27 My Email:hip@hotmail.com Your favorite Mag7 character: wj;l | Comments: ru;awottoae4u6t49rw-uta-4 |
- 07/30/00 21:49:13 My Email:terradogs@juno.com Your favorite Mag7 character: Vin, Chris, Nathan | Comments: |
Alive - 05/21/00 13:32:54 My Email:d.ruella.areacom.com Your favorite Mag7 character: hello | Comments: salut je ne capis pas ce sito i'm italien |
Tarlan - 04/01/00 14:24:44 My Email:TarlanX@aol.com Your favorite Mag7 character: Chris Larabee | Comments: Love the design of your site. Haven't had time to read any of the fic yet and will write back once I have |
Cheyenne - 08/11/99 05:39:57 My URL:http://wait til i revamp it.. My Email:josiahsgirl@yahoo.com Your favorite Mag7 character: JOSIAH!!!! You know that.. | Comments: your site is AWSOME Sam!!!! |
Andrea - 08/10/99 04:10:57 My Email:adgrio@hotmail.com | Comments: The site looks great- good job! I really liked "Broken Hearts" and I can't wait to start reading "The Witness Tree"- keep 'em coming! |
Nancy - 07/10/99 16:29:35 My Email:scoobysync03@hotmail.com Your favorite Mag7 character: Ezra | Comments: Thanx 4 having the pictures of Anthony(Ezra) He's cute and has gorgeous eyes !!! He's also a great actor!! |
Tamarra - 07/10/99 03:42:02 My Email:walltone@bigpond.com Your favorite Mag7 character: All of them | Comments: I think the show is excellent and that Anthony Starke, Andy Kavovit, Eric Close, Micheal Biehn and the others are really good actors. But I really think that Andy Kavovit is cute. |
Jaston - 04/05/99 19:28:36 Your favorite Mag7 character: Chris,Vin,and Ezra!! | Comments: I LOVE the Magnificent Seven!!! I really like the name Ezra too.I am gonna name my boy:Ezra Julian!! And thats the truth!! I wanna name my girl a cool name too:Weslei Xanthe!! (And no,W-e-s-l-e-i- is NOT a typo!!) I LOVE the MG's!!! (MG stands for Magnif cent Guys!!) Ciao!! ~Jaston~ |
Shawna-Lee Hynd - 03/02/99 22:09:33 My Email:hynd@hotmail.com Your favorite Mag7 character: Vin Tanner | Comments: I ahve been trying to figure out how to join the RPG gang can you tell me how? |
LadyGunslinger - 01/21/99 11:52:51 My URL:http://angelfire.com/il/ladygunslinger/index.html My Email:ladygunslinger@hotmail.com Your favorite Mag7 character: Which one!?! Buck, Ezra, Vin, Josiah, Nathan, Chris, and JD? TOO MANY TO PICK FROM!! Oh, never mind. | Comments: I LOVE THE MAG 7!!!!!! Samantha, I really love this site, you've done such a great job. Keep it comin' girls (and boys)! |
- 01/16/99 18:07:01 | Comments: |
Bodacious - 01/13/99 15:12:31 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/bodacioushome/index.html My Email:bodacious@gocubs.com Your favorite Mag7 character: Buck Wilmington | Comments: I love your site. Everyone that sends in stories, keep up the good work! :-) |
Sheila Hartweck - 01/04/99 16:36:04 My Email:Hart1957 Your favorite Mag7 character: Chris | Comments: I hope The Magnificent Seven will be on for years. Best cast on TV. |
Patricia - 11/29/98 21:06:44 My Email:peppermintpatty@iname.com Your favorite Mag7 character: Chris Larabee, Vin Tanner, and Buck Wilmington | Comments: Enjoyed the site. Love your background decor and the music. Very attention getting. Keep it going. |
Trisha - 10/27/98 19:28:19 My Email:tkehoe1952@aol.com Your favorite Mag7 character: Josiah Sanchez | Comments: After following Ron Perlman's career for well over ten years, I was thrilled to learn he had a new series in the works. My agent has submitted two script to the "powers that be", but alas no word yet. I keep hoping though. Ron has made Josiah so real, s vulnerable, you just gotta like his bad old self! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Cindy - 09/30/98 16:27:10 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Luanne Maldonado - 09/01/98 22:24:13 Your favorite Mag7 character: Chris Larabie | Comments: |
My name is Kara. Just dropped by while surfing your GeoCities neighborhood. This stuff is great. Anyway, I noticed you had a guestbook, so I figure I would plug my web site - Kara's DynamicSex. Check it out sometime!
Rochelle Baltazar - 05/21/98 03:56:50 My Email:locococo@earthlink.net Your favorite Mag7 character: Ezra | Comments: Hi Samantha! I just read your e-mail today- I didn't know about the mailing list! I look forward to reading the rpg and the fan-fic. |
Suzi-VP & Mayor...VINland - 05/20/98 03:20:27 My Email:s007933@umslvma.umsl.edu Your favorite Mag7 character: Vin | Comments: Thank you soooo much!!!! I've been looking for a site with the other groupd RPG's on them so i could print them up! Great job! |
Clint - 05/16/98 06:17:19 My URL:/Hollywood/Theater/4747/ My Email:clint@pitnet.net | Comments: i'm your new neighbor. this is my first web page i was wondering if you could give me some tips on importing the graphics? it would be a big help. i really liked the mag7 |