File NameDescriptionSize
abovethelaw.wavRecord Producer:..."I am above the law!"48k
chewbacca.wavJohnny Cocarin's Cewbacca deffence.579k
hesjewish.wavKyle:"We'll get my dad to be Chef's lawer."
Cartman:"Yeah, and he's jewish."
killedkenny.wavStan:Oh my God! Ozzy Ozborne bit Kenny's head off."
Kyle:"You bastard!"
mrtwigsucks.wavKyle:"When is Mr Hat comming back?"
Mr. Garrison:"I told you never to say his name in my presence."
Stan:"We hate Mr Twigg, Mr Twigg sucks."
trialoftheday.wavReporter:"In what is reported to be the most important trial of Cocarin us his famous Chewbacca defence?"106k
whoring.wavStan:"How much did you make?"
Chef:"I made about $410,300 but..."...
yearsago.wavChef's explation of how "Stinky Britches" is his song.108k

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