
this page last updated on august 9, 2001


so i am basically done with the script, and have been since november 2000 or so. nothing else has been done since then as i attempt to recover from a series of injuries suffered over the past year or so. no further steps will be taken until i am physically able to attempt to solicit funding, etc.

so not only do i have a script that WILL be a feature (the script is currently 93 pages long, with the general rule dictating that 1 page of script = 1 minute of screentime), but the script has a title: The Empire State Strikes Back.

as i stated in previous updates, it is a sort of a "mockumentary" detailing the unfortunate events that a supposed good friend of mine supposedly endured in his love life. it would be a kind of dark comedy, but also a serious look at how difficult it is for post-college people to make new, meaningful relationships in the almost overwhelming environment of new york city.

i will soon start to think about trying to solicit investors, etc., in order to get the film shot. i wanted to have a tight script in place before i got to that point, and i am pretty much there; i just need to get better before any further steps are taken. stay tuned for new developments in that arena.

i will very shortly post a sample scene or 2 from the script. stay tuned!


oh yeah, since a number of people have expressed interest in the other stated idea i had, of a feature "based in a corporate office environment, focusing on a creative/artistic individual unwittingly climbing his way up the corporate ladder" -- don't worry, i will still pursue that idea. this "mockumentary" idea just struck me as more interesting to work on right now. my thoughts on it were much more organized and coherent than those on that idea, so that's what i'm going with for now... who knows, maybe i'll write both of them before i film either. we'll see...