Joining the Gasmasks Webring

  1. Download (right click and "save image") this image and place it on your web site. This will be the left hand image
    gasgirl4.gif (12020 bytes)
  2. Either Download one of these images or use one of you're own images. This will be the right hand image. *Note when you receive the "fragment HTML" you should replace PLACE-YOUR-IMAGE-HERE with the location of your image.
    gasgirl.jpg (20516 bytes)    gasgirl1.jpg (24215 bytes)    gasgirl2.jpg (20861 bytes)    gasgirl3.jpg (19926 bytes)    gasgirl5.gif (26008 bytes)    gasgirl6.jpg (14800 bytes)
  3. Submit a request to be added to the Webring.
  4. You will be E-Mailed "fragment HTML". This must be added (copy/paste) to your "home page"
  5. Once you've loaded your updated home page E-Mail me with a request to activate you in the Webring.
  6. You're site will be checked to ensure it conforms to the guidelines below.
  7. Once your request has been approved you will be notified by E-Mail.


Any questions E-Mail me