12/24/08 -- Happy Holidays, Blessed Yule, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Good Kwanza, etc.! -- Wow, until I logged on, I didn't realize it had been quite so long since I'd posted anything here. Sorry everyone - school and work have been taking a lot out of me. Let's see if I can catch up a little.
First, whatever flavor of holiday you celebrate at this time of year, I hope you have a great one! May you have lots of love, time with family and friends and lots of sunshine. May the coming new year treat you well, and send you nothing but the best.
I've gotten quite a few emails asking about The Phoenix medallion replica. Unfortunately, the person who had originally contacted me about making these has been suffering under an attack of real life, and no progress has been made. So, there still are no medallions available to purchase, and I have no scans or photos of what it may look like when/if it is made.
Also, I currently have no information on Judson's whereabouts or activities. The last I'd heard, he was back in Europe, but that was a while ago, and I have no idea if he's still there or back in the US. As far as I know, he is not currently filming anything, or making any appearances at any cons. If anyone has any information on where Judson is, or what he's doing, I'd appreciate some news I can pass on!
btw, time permitting, I do intend to try to revamp and reformat this website. Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated. Keep in mind, I am not up-to-date on web programming and have to do my best with what I can fake (or look up online!) Anyway, if you have suggestions, please send them to phoenxlves@yahoo.com. Thanks!
11/21/07 -- Happy Thanksgiving! -- I hope everyone is happy and safe for this Thanksgiving Day! Enjoy!
I also have a request/question from another fan of "The Phoenix" ... this fan is hearing-impaired, and frequently has difficulty hearing dialogue, etc. on TV-shows. She really wants to get the DVDs of "The Phoenix", but is wondering if anyone has the capability of captioning a set for her. Please contact me at drgnldydiane@netscape.net if you have such capabilities, and let me know. Also, please give me an estimate of the cost involved in such an endeavor. Thanks!!
11/14/07 -- The Phoenix on YouTube -- For any that haven't seen it yet, the pilot movie for "The Phoenix" as well as the four episodes have been put on YouTube in segments for your viewing pleasure. I have taken the opportunity to link to them from a new webpage I'm developing: http://thephoenix.trimarisdiane.com/phoenixepisodes.html. So far, I've only got the pilot movie linked. I will work on the episodes when and as I have time. Please come by and enjoy!
8/21/07 -- Phoenix Medallion -- I have been contacted by Dave, another fan of Judson and "The Phoenix" who tells me that he has a Phoenix Medallion ... and that if anyone is interested, he may be able to have copies made. The cost for the medallion would depend on how many are interested - the more copies made, the lower the cost for each would be. If you may be interested in obtaining a copy of the Phoenix Medallion, please contact me with your interest and any questions you may have (at my email here) and I will forward it to Dave. Please send your emails as soon as possible so that we may be able to gage the level of interest.
8/2/07 -- "The Phoenix" DVDs -- "Rich, who collects Judson Scott memorabilia, was able to acquire TV transmission reels of The Phoenix and eventually have two sets of DVDs of the series made from them. He lent one set to Holly so that she could make sets available to the other fans. Having gotten it back, he still hopes to put it to its intended use - as a gift to Judson from himself and all true The Phoenix fans." So, Holly now has very good quality DVDs available to those who wish to order them. Be aware, however, that this set does not include the original 90-minute pilot movie. Contact Holly at holly@hollys.com for more information.
Also, for your information, "Voyagers" has now been officially released on DVD, as of the 17th of July. If you're looking for a good copy of the episode featuring Judson as Lawrence of Arabia, you're in luck!
3/29/07 -- In Search of ... -- Rich has acquired a set of TV transmission reels, from which he has had a set of DVDs made. These DVDs are apparently near excellent quality and certainly far better than what is currently available (copies from tapes made from TV). So now, we are asking if any fellow Judson fan has semi-professional (or professional) DVD duplicating equipment, to be able to correct some of the minor flaws that these DVDs do have and produce set which may be made available to other fans. The flaws are as follows:
1) The reels should have been cleaned before making the DVDs. There is some actual flecking, but it mostly seems to be lint and dust. It's merely a minor annoyance, most noticeable in the intro - unless you're watching on a BIG screen.
2) The sound level is a bit low. It drops abruptly near the end of "In Search Of Mira".
3) The Mira reel is from the Australian TV Network set, which was sold as being vinegary and off-color. The person who made the DVDs from it did an excellent job of color correction, the beginning, which was presumably the most off-color, being slightly red. Hopefully this can be further corrected.
4) He also put chapter intros on each reel which need to be removed. Also, since there is a several second pause before the recording begins.
So, if anyone is willing and able to take this project on, please email me at PhoenxLves@yahoo.com.
3/21/07 -- Wallpaper! -- Just for all you die-hard fans of Judson Scott, Cadence has created a wallpaper for you to download! She contacted me, and offered the wallpaper for me to post, just so anyone who still visits the site can have it! The wallpaper is free to download, and free to use, but Cadence would appreciate an email from anyone who wants to use it on their own site. Her email is SweetCadenceBlue@aol.com. You can download the wallpaper from 800 Wallpaper or 1024 Wallpaper. Thank you, Cadence!!
1/26/07 -- Dukes of Hazard -- I've just been reminded that I've been remiss in reporting the release of the Dukes of Hazard Season 7 on DVD. This season includes the episode "Sittin Dukes" which features none other than Judson Scott! So indulge your desire to gaze upon hot men, and go get these DVDs!
btw, I have gotten some inquiries from people who are trying to acquire a copy of "The Phoenix" on DVD. I'm sure I've posted this before, but just to move it back to the top, here's the info: "The Phoenix" has not been officially released on DVD (or tape). The only way to get it is to ask someone to make a copy of a tape they may have made of the series when it aired on TV. It is illegal to sell these copies (copyright infringement). However, it is considered acceptable to ask for the receipiant to pay some costs for the duplication (tape/dvd, mail, a little something for time and effort). Therefore, I will let you know that if you'd like to receive a copy of "The Phoenix" on DVD, please contact holly@hollys.com. She has been kind enough to offer a DVD made from a tape she had made off of TV. I don't vouch for the quality or anything else, but DVDs are out there, and they're better than nothing. btw, Holly will ask for something to cover her costs (I think about $20, but I'm not positive). Contact her for more information.
12/18/06 -- Happy Holidays! -- Whatever your beliefs and traditions, I hope you're enjoying this time of year. Best of holiday wishes to everyone, and may the New Year bring nothing but health and joy for each of you!
5/30/06 -- Judson on General Hospital -- I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend! I received an email from a woman who has an edited tape containing approximately 6 hours worth of the General Hospital storyline in which Judson Scott appeared (the Mexico story, if anyone remembers it). I believe this originally aired in 1982 or 1983. She is willing to make DVDs of this tape for anyone who may be interested. She has let me know that she will ask $16 for each DVD, which includes shipping. If you would like one of these DVDs, please send me an email, either at my Netscape account, or my Yahoo account and I will put you in touch with this woman. Personally, I do remember this story arc - it involved Luke & Laura. I was working as a waitress at the time, and tried to turn on General Hospital whenever I'd have a day off during the week, trying to catch Judson. It seldom worked, either because I'd miss the time for GH (I was never a daytime soap fan), or because they wouldn't be showing anything for that arc on that day. Oh well. Now I have the chance to be able to see the whole thing!
btw, the "Charmed" Season 5 DVDs, which were supposed to come out in February, are scheduled to finally be released on June 6! (A very auspicious day, as that is my 25th wedding anniversary!)
3/21/06 -- Item on eBay -- Rich found this item on eBay - he'd get it himself, but the asking price ($2,500) is a bit out of his price range. If anyone else is interested, by all means go and bid on it! Item number 6612553660 - it's the Romulan tunic Judson wore in the ST:V episode "Message in a Bottle".
Oh, and a belated Happy Spring to everyone! Yesterday was the Spring Equinox.
3/8/06 -- DVDs -- A-Team season 3 is now out on DVD. This includes "Incident At Crystal Lake". I neglected to post that "The Dukes of Hazzard" 5th season is also out on DVD, featuring the episode "Sittin Dukes". The "Charmed" 5th season DVD was supposed to be out on Feb 16 ... If you buy these DVDs, enjoy the shows but especially enjoy watching Judson!!
12/22/05 -- Happy Solstice! -- Today is the official first day of Winter, the Winter Solstice. Enjoy! and, of course, this weekend is Christmas - Have a Merry one! I wish veryone a wonderful new year as well.
btw, for those who don't know, my husband and I relocated to Maine this past summer. So, for the first time YEARS, I'm able to enjoy all four seasons! We've got snow on the ground and everything. LOL
8/16/05 -- Good News -- The Greatest American Hero, Season Three, is out on DVD. So anyone wishing to see the episode with Judson ("It's Only Rock & Roll"), can now pick up a copy. According to Rich, there are several copies (including bootleg) available on eBay. Have fun watching!
7/20/05 -- Sad News -- I just received some very sad news: Joyce Bakken, founder of the Judson Scott Is #1 Fan Club, passed away on May 19, 2005. Her grand-daughter sent me an email and asked that I let everyone from the fan club know, as they all had a special place in her heart. Please take a moment to remember Joyce and she will live on forever in our hearts. Joyce's granddaughter also sent me a copy of the funeral home's announcement and her obituary. I've placed them on a special page to remember her - Joyce Bakken.
7/12/2005 -- Happy Birthday, Judson! -- I know, I'm a little early. Judson's birthday isn't until the end of the week. But I will not be able to get to a computer on Friday, so I thought I'd go ahead with the birthday wishes now. So, Happy Birthday, Judson! Many happy returns, and many more!
4/26/2005 -- Documentary Available -- Rich has told me that he just purchased a documentary on Fed Con X, held in 2002 in Germany, from EBay. Judson was specifically mentioned as one of the guests, and so will have some minutes on camera in the tape. The actors speak English. Unfortunately, the tape is in PAL (European) format. The seller has a second one available (for only 5 Euro plus shipping)if anyone is interested. The item number is 6390199862.
2/3/2005 -- New Con Appearance! -- Vicki has found another convention that Judson will be appearing at, March 5&6 in Detroit, MI ... World Martial Arts College!
1/24/2005 -- Photos for Sale! -- Vicki Hartman, our former fanclub president, is offering photos from her collection for sale. Go to Judson Scott Photos for Sale. Be sure to scroll down to the photos she's auctioning ... they are definitely well worth it! Happy bidding!
1/4/2005 -- Happy New Year! -- I wish everyone the best for 2005! As a present, I've posted a couple of new photos for you. Rich sent them to me a short time ago, and I've finally gotten around to scanning them. Go to the Pictures page to see the new picture from The Artist's Agency, and then to the Phoenix Photos for a new picture of Bennu!
12/20/04 -- Happy Holidays! -- I hope this holiday season finds everyone well. May you all enjoy peace, love and brotherhood now and throughout the year.
I've just finished updating the Bio/Filmography page -- Rich had provided me with a copy of the most recent photo The Artist's Agency is sending out, along with a copy of the filmography they printed on the back. There were a couple of items I was unfamiliar with, so I asked Judson about them. He's provided me some information, and I used that to update the Filmography.
11/24/04 -- Happy Thanksgiving! -- To all of those who live in the United States, and all those who would like to celebrate with us, I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankful for! I know I'm thankful for my family - a husband who loves me and two wonderful children, my parents, brother & his family, in-laws, all of whom I couldn't live without. I'm thankful for my wonderful friends who care about me, and help teach me about life and living. I'm thankful for the freedom we have in this country - The US may not be perfect, but it's a darn sight better than many other countries around the world! I'm especially thankful for the men and women of our armed forces who protect our freedom and give so much that those of us at home can feel safe.
11/19/04 -- DVDs -- I received an email from Rich about the DVDs today ... "I got the The Phoenix DVD set a few days ago. The quality seems average - I've seen them a little worse and a little better. Fast shipping. Though I have no idea how you watch the second episode on DVDs 2 and 3 without watching the first one."
Also, if anyone sent me an email regarding the DVDs, you should have received a response from me already. However, I know that sometimes sending mail from my netscape account doesn't always work. So, if you haven't gotten anything from me, please email me again and I will try to get back to you.
11/16/04 -- Photos for sale! -- Vicki Hartman, the former president of the latest version of the Judson Scott fan club, has photos of Judson for sale! If you're interested, contact her at gwynevar@aol.com. Just remember - first come, first serve, so let her know you're interested now!
11/1/04 -- New photo! and ... DVDs!!! -- ok, maybe not so new. Judson was at Dragonfest 2003 (and is planning on being at Dragonfest 2004). They had a photo of him taken at the 2003 convention ... I like the goatee!!
OK, possibly of even more importance to some of you, I have located someone who has DVDs of "The Phoenix" and is willing and able to make copies. She does ask for compensation, to cover her time and cost of materials, etc. She will give you a 3 disc set for $20 (including postage). If you're interested, please send me an email and I'll give you her contact info.
10/27/04 -- More Appearances! -- Cheryl has been snooping around the internet and has found more upcoming Appearance for Judson:
Battle of Detroit and Stars for Charity Event, March 5&6, 2005, Dearborn, MI http://www.worldmartialartscollege.com/celebs.htm
Toronto Trek 19, July 15-17, 2005 - this one is not confirmed yet, but it is a possible.
Also, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who sent me your good wishes during the very active hurricane season just past (well, technically, it isn't over quite yet, but at least we're not being threatened by any more storms!). Your wishes were most appreciated, and did seem to help. My family and I were among the very lucky ones -- we lost some fence pieces to the storms, but there was no other damage and no injuries. We didn't even lose electricity except for a very short time after the first storm! So, again, Thank you!
9/10/04 -- New FanFic!! -- I've finally gotten around to posting a story that was sent to me by Darlene Ybarra at the beginning of the year. Go check out Mira's Crystal!
By the way ... any prayers/good wishes you could send to me and everyone else living in Florida would be greatly appreciated. We have already been through 2 hurricanes within the past month, and there's another (Ivan) on the way ... many people have sustained quite a bit of damage to their homes and have not been able to make more than superficial repairs - some people still have no electricty following Frances! Also, we have gotten extremely high levels of rain (in addition to the hurricanes) and large areas are having to deal with problems due to flooding.
Personally, I've been very lucky and have only suffered minor damage to my yard (so far). I am certainly sending my best wishes to everyone here! And I'm hoping and praying my hardest that Ivan decides to give us a pass!
7/27/04 --- New Address! -- Thanks to Leigh, I've got a new address for The Artist's Agency. It is: 1180 S Beverly Dr # 301, Los Angeles, Ca. 90035-1153. For right now, that is the only address I can give you to send anything to Judson. I have heard that some people tried to send him birthday cards (btw, his birthday is July 15, as stated in "Vital Statistics") only to have them returned. Please note, the P.O. Box in Toluca Lake is no longer a valid address! I'm sure if you resend your cards, with a note as to the difficulty of mailing them, Judson will still appreciate the sentiment!
5/18/04 -- Another New Con! -- Mobicon is coming up in Mobile, Alabama May 21-23, 2004. If my daughter wasn't graduating from high school this weekend, I'd drive to Alabama to be there! As it is, if anyone else is in the area, be sure not to miss it!
5/11/04 -- New Con Appearance -- OK, yes, I know it's been quite a while since I've posted anything new. Sorry! I won't go into everything that's been going on to prevent that. Anyway, Denise has notified me that she found a new convention appearance for Judson. DragonFest 2004, November 21, 2004 in Glendale, CA. This is a martial arts and Hollywood Celebrity Convention. If you scroll through the invited guests, you'll also find Richard Lynch ...
As always, if anyone attends this con, I'd appreciate a recap, and if you'd care to share any pictures, I'll post them!
12/23/03 -- Happy Holidays! -- Whatever persuasion you may be, I wish you the best during the holiday season, and a wonderful New Year!
9/24/03 -- Another Con appearance -- I was just informed of another con appearance for Judson .. Sticcon XVIII, May 27-30, 2004. This one is in Italy, and the website for it is in Italian. I only wish I could read it! If someone out there can read it, please let me know if it says anything new or interesting about Judson!
Also I've had a couple of requests recently for copies of "The Phoenix." While I do have decent copies on VHS, I do not have the capability to duplicate them right now. If anyone out there has good copies, and is willing and able to duplicate them, please let me know! Also, let me know what you would ask in return for doing this ... (um, please be aware of copyright issues ... legally about all you can ask for is reimbursement of the cost for the tape and shipping, unless you get permission from the copyright holder.)
6/19/03 -- An Old Friend -- I recently received an email from a gentleman who says he was a classmate of Judson's in college. He says:
"I went to college with Judson. I first met him in our last summer at Citrus College in Azusa California. I just needed to make enough units to achieve my AA degree, so I decided to take Theater that summer. We both performed in Murder in the Cathedral by T.S. Elliot that summer. I was one of the priests and Judson was one of the Tempters. We had to wear these long robes made out of very heavy linen, and during the long sermon by the Thomas Beckett, the Archbishop of Canterbury I had to stand on a 6 foot practical platform. Judson used to love to stand behind me and pull on my robe, make jokes, and generally try to get me to laugh on stage.
"We both transfered to what was then called Cal State Fullerton and during our time there the name was changed to California State University at Fullerton. When I came in as a Junior transfer I changed my major to Theater Arts, so we were both theater students there. At Fullerton we did another T.S. Elliot play together. This one was called The Cocktail Party. I played Peter Quilp and Judson played Sir Henry Harcort-Reilley.
"I've often wondered what has become of Judson. We were great friends. Please tell him "Hi" for me. I'd very much like to visit with him again sometime."
7/15/03 -- Happy Birthday Judson!
6/7/03 -- Another Con! It seems that Judson is very busy this summer ... I just received an alert from Denise of another con that Judson will be at - Trek Expo 2003, in Tulsa, OK! This one is June 27-29.
6/5/03 -- Con Report! I just received word from Chris, who attended Vulkon in Tampa over the weekend:
"He does say hi. It was GREAT to see him at Vulkon and…he played the piano in the lobby." -- Chris
5/2/03 -- Another Con! This one was brought to my attention by Judson himself! I had asked him to let me know if there were any other cons out there that we should let everyone know about. This is the response I got:
"Dear Diane, I hope all is well with you and yours. I had a really great
time at Starfest last week. Here is what I can confirm so far - London
Expo/SFX May 17-18, Vulkon and Shoreleave. Let me know if you
can think of others that might excite. Thanks, Judson
I've attached some pics and a bio."
Vulkon and Shoreleave are posted below, from previous notifications. Of course, I linked the "pics and a bio" so you can see what he sent! Enjoy!
Also, I have received word that Judson's P.O. Box is no longer a good address for him. If you would like to send him mail, please send it in care of his agent: The Artists Agency, 10000 Santa Monica Blvd., #305, Los Angeles, CA, 90067, United States, phone: 310-277-7779.
4/30/03 -- Another Judson Sighting! I have just received word (thank you, Chris) that Judson will be appearing at Vulkon in Tampa, FL May 31-June 1. With this one so close to me, you'd think I'd definitely be there ... unfortunately, work will prevent my attending this weekend unless I can somehow manage to reschedule our planned office move ... which doesn't seem very likely at this point. If I do make it, I'd love to see if I can hook up with anyone else who will be there!
4/18/03 -- Judson Sightings! I have received word of three different conventions that Judson will be appearing at in the near future.
Coming up first, in Denver, CO is StarFest 2003. It is scheduled for April 25-27.
Next, in Baltimore, MD is Shore Leave 25, scheduled for July 11-13.
Third, last, but certainly not least, is Earth IV's Aurora Event which will be taking place in Heathrow, London, UK in March 2004. This con was originally scheduled for October 2003, but has been postponed by the promoters.
As always, if anyone manages to get to a con and see Judson, I'd like a full report! And, if you get pictures of or with him, I'd love a copy! But above all else, if you go to a convention, be sure to enjoy yourself!!
Hoppy Easter, Blessed Spring, or whatever else you may be celebrating this weekend.
3/14/03 -- More about the video! I received my copy of the video yesterday! It really is great ... very nice interview with Judson and snippets of his stage talk at Gallifrey last year. The 'surprise' that Rich referred to wasn't so much about Judson ... the makers of the tape included a very nice "Thank you" to me in the credits! I certainly hadn't expected that, but I very much appreciate the recognition. Anyway, it is a very good video, and certainly entertaining to listen to Judson reminisce about his career. Be sure to get your copy soon!
3/7/03 -- Video Review I just received an email from Rich Kaplan, who ordered the video interview with Judson ... here's what he says:
"Diane, talk about great service! The tape is already in my hands and watched. IT IS AN ABOULUTE MUST! Judson was spectacular! (And still great looking.) He really got into stuff about his feelings, did ALL of the great moments in his career (lots about his stage career), including the full Phoenix tale! An amazing wonderful surprise at the end. If you DON'T know what it is, BUY THE TAPE! If you do, WOW!" (Rich also says that everyone really needs to make sure they watch the whole tape.)
2/19/03 -- New Video Available! I've recently been contacted by a gentleman in the UK. He let me know that his company is putting out a video of an interview they did last year with Judson. The following is the text he sent me about this video:
In a long and distinguished career JUDSON has worked around the world and with some of the great screen actors.
In this Myth Makers, NICHOLAS BRIGGS delves deep into JUDSON’s life to find out what motivates this fine actor and what other interests he has in life.
This is the latest MYTHMAKERS ON GALLIFREY, shot on location in Los Angeles around the famous American science fiction convention (www.gallifreyone.com).
Running time: 50 minutes approx.
Myth Makers : Judson Scott. Price £11.99p (about $17) plus postage. It's
available in PAL or NTSC (USA) VHS. Catalogue Number: RTP0272 Release Date: 28/02/03
For more information: www.reeltimepictures.co.uk
or call/fax our order hotline: 020 8 659 1818
or send an S.A.E. to: Reeltime Pictures PO Box 23435 London SE26 5WU
(BARCODE: 5 030994 027214)
9/3/02 -- Upcoming Sightings! While at Dragon*Con I did have a chance to chat with Judson. He told me that he will be in season opener, a two-parter, for Charmed on the WB. He also said that there is currently a project in the works to try to release a DVD of The Phoenix, including the pilot, the four episodes that were made and some new behind-the-scenes material. Keep your fingers crossed that it will come out as hoped! I'll let you know if I hear any more ...
Also, Judson has said that he's been busy in Europe, especially Germany. If anyone over there has any information on any showings of movies or TV with Judson, I'd appreciate an email!
And one final note ... Judson DID NOT ask me to post this, but he also didn't ask me not to. He told me that his father has been extremely ill, and Judson has spent much of his energy trying to care for him over the past year or so. I'm sure everyone will join me in offering their prayers and support for both of them.
9/3/02 -- Dragon*Con report! OK, I got back from Dragon*Con late last night ... exhausted, but very excited! Dragon*Con was great! I really enjoyed finally getting to meet Judson! I did post a comment on the Appearances page and photos on the Con Photos page. Hopefully, Judson will send me his comments as soon as he gets a chance. Be on the look out for them!
btw, if you'd like to see my comments on Dragon*Con in general, and photos of other celebs that I met, please go to my personal website http://www.geocities.com/Dragonlady_4000.
7/15/02 -- Happy birthday! Today is Judson's birthday and I know that all of you join me in wishing him all the best. A very nice birthday present comes from Creation Entertainment ... Vicki received notice from them that Judson is scheduled to appear at their Las Vegas convention August 2-4! Anyone in the area who would like to see him, make note of this date and go check out the Creation website for details ... www.creationent.com.
6/25/02 -- Dragon*Con Judson will be appearing at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, GA August 30-September 1. Go to http://www.dragoncon.org/ to see more about this con, and to see the listing for Judson's appearance. Also, if anyone is interested, I will be attending too! I plan on checking out the gaming, and possibly participating in some, while I'm there, but I'd love to get together with any of you that I've been emailing with. Just let me know if you'll be there and we can see what we can work out! See you in Atlanta!
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Webmistress: Diane Mullen