
If you would like to win one of our awards for your site, read the rules below, and if your site applies, then just fill out the form below!


1. Must be a TITANIC site or have a page about TITANIC.(We're not just giving these out to any old pages)
2. NO PORNO! Must be suitable (No bad language, unless in clips from the movie, which may be unavoidable)
3. Your site can't have lots of broken links. It's okay to have a few, cause these things happens, but your site needs to look like you actually put some effort into it, not just thrown together.

Here are the awards you can get:(we will choose which award to give you. All sites will be given awards, so no one feels left out, UNLESS, of course your site goes against any of the above rules)

1. Hannah's Award for a Very Spiffy Jack and Rose Site-for Jack and Rose sites (obviously)
2. Hannah's Award for a very Spiffy Titanic Site-for average Titanic sites
3. Hannah's Award for a Mega Cool Titanic Site-for really good Titanic sites
4. Hannah's Award for an Absolutely Incredible Titanic Site- for Titanic sites that are really, really, really good

Please don't be upset if you don't get the award that you wanted--we're just doing this for fun!

Please fill out the following form:



Site URL:

PLEASE give us a valid email address and site URL! We've had some people give us wrong URL's, and then we can't even look at their site!And if you don't give us your email address, how can we tell you when you've won??? (don't worry, ALL information is kept strictly confidential)

Can you accept email attachments?

Would you rather have us send you the actual picture, the code, or both?

How many times have you seen TITANIC?

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