Parade of the Boyfriends


This started out as a group of pictures of guys my friend Michelle and I met while on vacation in New Orleans, but it's taken on a life of its own. All these guys were lots of fun and really nice people.

I also am beginning to add on some goofy pictures, such as actors from my favorite Trash TV shows and great pics I find on the web. (Remember, these are mostly nice guys, so be kind.)  -- Although people sending me their own pictures over the web and asking be included are probably prisoners at Ataskadero Prison.

If you have someone you would like to nominate for the Parade of the "Boyfriends," simply e-mail me the picture along with a nickname to label them and a Turn-on, Turn-offs list. --Non-creative types just send the pic and I will do the rest; however, no whining if it's not what you want. -- It's fine to nominate yourself. Also, if you find goofy pics of people on the web (and you don't think I'm going to get nasty, angry e-mail messages for using the pics) send those too.

Parade of the "Boyfriends"

Who is your favorite?

Brian the Waiter

Turn Ons:
Token fruit, rude restaurant chicks, the Tropical Isle Club 
Turn Offs:
The cafe of the freaks, bad tippers, being stood up. 



Ed the Paranormal Guide

Turn Ons:
Ectoplasm, women who talk back, dressing like a lumberjack 
Turn Offs:
Hot flashes, photos up his nose, Kenny the Poltergeist 

Mike the God

Turn Ons:
Catching his own food, blue-claw crabs, marshmallows, diesel fumes 
Turn Offs:
Nutro-rats, losing limbs to alligators

Pierre le Mime

Turn Ons:
The invisible box, cigarettes 
Turn Offs:
Bums who urinate on him, people who take photos but don't tip him 

Whitney the Alamo Shuttle Bus Driver

Turn Ons:
Left turn signals, Concourse C, chicks who flash him in lieu of a tip 
Turn Offs:
No right on red, men who flash him in lieu of a tip 

Nick the Waiter

Turn Ons:
Sloshing red beans and rice on customers, specialty drinks 
Turn Offs:
Being sued by a customer for spilling food 

Joe "The Pyro" Burnham



Turn ons... smoking,  singing his eyebrows, cigars, and fire trucks

Turn offs...Bic lighters, stuff that won't burn

Lorenzo the Very Sleazy Busdriver

I was too scared of him to take a real picture.

Turn Ons:
Buff chicks who work out, punctuality, sing-alongs 
Turn Offs:
Women who can take him in a fight, refunds, tardiness, being fired 

Parade Top Pick !

Matt "The Miner" Miller

Turn ons: Surprise finds. Drunken photos. Other peoples' noses.

Turn offs: Handkerchiefs. Kleenex. Girls with small nostrils.

The Commander 

Turn ons: Soapy phasers, android babes, when Picard leaves him in charge

Turn offs: That soapy film, when crew members get possessed by unknown aliens and try to have him dismantled

P.S. For those of you keeping score . . . yes, that's right, I did steal this picture. I asked the owners, but they never wrote back. I think it's personal. So, in any case you can go see the original page by clicking on Commander Data. 


