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[1-3] The mask is placed on Ellen. [4-8] Ellen makes less sense than normal. [9-10] The gas starts to have full effect. |
[1-3] are from the film "BodyParts". The patient witnesses an execution as the mask draws near. He wakes up later and is gassed again. Each picture is made up of four smaller images. [4] is four smaller images from Hellraiser 2. [5&6] each include four images from "New York Undercover". The detective tries to talk her way out without blowing her cover - the gas wins. [7&8] each have four images from The Pretender "Nip and Tuck". Dr Brant is restrained and the threat of being a skin donor makes her scream. The gas soon calms her down. [9] is made up of four images from "Mash". [10] is three images from the film "Late for Dinner". Two guys decide to be frozen for a couple of days - but the process lasts for 30 years. Gassing is required to begin the process. [11&12] Two images from the TV series Brookside - Susanna gets the mask. [13] A four picture gas collage. [14-16] Three images from dental/medical sites. The Gasman would like to thank all enthusiastic contributors. |
Apart from the last two pictures, all images are from the adult film "The Cosmopolitan Girls". [1-6] The upside down mask is applied and the gas cranked up. [7-8] A sleepy state is soon induced. [9] You can guess what comes next! [10-11] Two pictures from medical documentaries. Note: Thanks to this contributor. Email thanks not possible as you were 'sending' from my address! |
A couple of standard hospital shots. Guess which mask is upside down. |
These images are from "City Hospital". [1-2] A quick discussion about Entonox. [3-5] This patient is enjoying the gas but the anaesthestist is keen for her to let go of the mask. [6-10] He is able to finish the job on his own. [11-13] The operation is over and recovery begins. |
These images are taken from the "Mash" film. [1] The officer is held. [2-5] A mask is applied and gas is sprayed on him as he struggles to free himself from his captives' strong grip. [6] He wakes up in bed with a women - and he is photographed for blackmail purposes! |
[1] This has been taken from the cover of a medical text book. [2-6] are further images from the film "She's Having a Baby". |
[1-4] These are from an unknown film. [5-8] These are from the film "She's Having a Baby". [9-10] These are from the film "Betrayal of the Dove". |
The next patient is in the surgery. Note it's the gassing sequence that's of interest here - not the child patient. I'm happy to include this here because it reminds me of similar experiences I had as a child. [1-3] The patient is told they are going to place "The Space Mask" on his nose. [4-6] The mask is positioned to make it comfortable. [7-8] 100% oxygen is introduced at 3 litres per minute and the patient is reassured. [9-10] 20% nitrous oxide is introduced and the patient is informed there will be "a funny smell - like the sea". [11-12] 45% nitrous oxide is introduced and the patient is reassured again. [13] After a short wait, an extraction is carried out. [14] 100% oxygen is used to finish the procedure. |
[1] The gas equipment is checked. [2] The mask is passed to the nurse. [3] The nurse cleans it for the next patient. [4] The patient arrives. [5] The dentist reaches to the gas machine. [6] He turns it to 100% oxygen. [7] He tells the patient to close her eyes as he reaches for the mask. [8] He brings the mask to the patient's face. |
[9-12] The mask is lowered and then adjusted to provide the best fit. [13-14] The dentist watches the breathing bag and then adjusts the gas flow to suit the patient. [15-16] The first increment of nitrous oxide is added. The patient is told that she will feel warm and relaxed. |
[17-18] The second increment is added. The patient is told she will feel a tickling in the tips of her fingers and toes. [19-20] The third increment is added. The patient is told she is safe and relaxed. [21-23] The final increment is added and treatment begins. |
Taken from the film "The Dentist". The patient is told she needs a filling. She refuses the injection and the dentist asks if she's ever had gas. [1] The mask is applied. [2] The gas is adjusted. [3-7] The gas takes effect until the patient is asleep [8]. The dentist then molests her. |
Taken from the film "The Dentist". [1] The Dentist's wife is tied to the chair and a mask applied. The dentist is angry because he thinks she is having an affair with the pool attendant. [2-6] She is soon sedated. [7-8] He procedes to ruin her teeth. |
Taken from the film "The Dentist". [1] The tax inspector bribes the dentist for some free treatment. [2-3] The Gas is applied. [4] The gas is turned up to maximum. [5-8] The gas quickly takes effect and the dentist performs some evil surgery. |
Mrs Peel gets gassed in the Avengers. Taking a lift in a fake taxi, she realises she's being taken the wrong way and quizzes the driver [1]. He flicks a switch on a nearby canister [2]. Mrs Peel looks at her feet as a noise is heard [3]. Gas blows into the cab [4]. Mrs Peel struggles as the gas takes effect [5]. Mrs Peel keels over - if you can make her out [6]. |
Another varied collection. The first three are improved versions of images from the film "Paper Mask" - we have hosted images from this film since the start of this site. The fourth image is from the excellent Bedroom Bondage gas story. Please visit the site to see the complete collection. |
The most varied collection of mask pictures ever - probably. It starts off with a superb drawing from the incredible Monsieur Paul. The rest cover black mask, blue mask, yellow mask, hand held mask, strapped down mask and more. |
Clear mask again but at least it's held down with a black strap. I've just invested in such a strap to complement my new black mask. |
Even a high budget show like "The X Files" saves a few dollars by using a cheap plastic mask instead of a nice black rubber one. |
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