A Thourough Report of Why We Dislike Leo

as Told by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien of Canada (in neither French nor English, but in Chrétienese)...

For those of you that don't seem to know the reason why we don't like him, or those of you who are just checking everything out, the reasons are quite the same as most anti-Leo people.

  1. He acts both conceited as well as says very rudimentary-minded and pointless things on interviews, instead of trying to sound intelligent and like a good role model.
  2. He has turned many of our friends into obsessed teenyboppers, who waste their time and money on expensive products with his face on it.
  3. He encourages teenyboppers, who have nothing better to do than shriek like idiots whenever they see him, instead of doing something productive towards their lives.
  4. His portrayal of a mental patient in What's Eating Gilbert Grape was mocking mentally disabled people instead of portraying one. If you want to see a mental patient protrayed realistically, see Billy Bob Thorton in SlingBlade.
  5. We cannot comprehend why girls like him. He looks nothing like a guy. He has feminine features and a scrawny body. If you're going to idolize a guy, you might as well idolize a good-looking guy or a guy with some traces of intelligence and talent.
  6. He goes around getting drunk and dating supermodels, instead of being a positive teenage role model to his legions of fans.
  7. Girls keep going to watch Titanic over and over and over again just to get a glimpse of Leo. I mean, how dumb can teenyboppers get? If you want to stare at his face constantly, get a poster or something, you'll save a lot more of your parents' money. If you want to see a good romance, please, please don't go see Titanic 14 times, instead rent Gone With the Wind (give it a try, you'll enjoy it).
  8. When we want to display our dislike with such a web page as this, we get rude comments about how we'll go to hell, that he never did anything to us, and that we shouldn't judge him since we haven't met him. Well, there's probably no hell and he didn't do anything to us directly. But his face being in a lot of places sure does get irritating. Also, if his fans can judge that he's such a good person without meeting him, then we can judge that he's not such a good person without meeting him. Ta-da!
  9. Rumours, rumours, and more rumours. We don't know if they're true or not (hence the term 'rumours'), but if they are, he sucks even more. If they're not true, then he's at the same level at suckiness as he is right now (whatever that may be).
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