- 12/27/00 16:20:55
- 12/27/00 16:20:49
WILLIAMS - 12/08/00 01:04:12
For me this movie is the most beautiful and i cant say correctly that i think about the movie because i dont speak english but in spanish :pienso que es la mejor pelicula en su genero .
Simon - 10/20/00 07:40:38
My Email:Cyblade80@aol.com
Liesel Matthews is the most talented and most georgeous actress in the world.
I have a lot of info on Liesel if someone wants to exchange.
Lana - 10/15/00 23:55:48
My Email:sugar@cutey.com
a little princess is my favourite movie of all time!!!
you're page was very helpfull!
i was hoing to find more info on Liesl Matthews and Vanessa Lee Chester.... and also the lyris to kindle my heart.... thx!!!
Fazlin - 10/15/00 01:07:25
My Email:fazlin101@hotmail.com
a little princess is the best book i have read. it is very touching and i cried. well all i have to say is i love that book.
Sharon - 10/04/00 08:17:34
My Email:ansais001@hawaii.rr.com
I loved the movie and especially the song "Kindle My Heart". I've searched the net for the lyrics to no avail. If anyone has it, could you please forward to me. Much Aloha, Sharon
James Spada - 09/13/00 19:29:22
My Email:Bosshog@shuswap.net
I really like your Movies.
James Spada - 09/12/00 19:19:47
I really like your Movies.
Katarina - 08/21/00 16:51:46
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/librettoln/zackat
My Email:Katarina_zackariassen@yahoo.com
I think "A LITTLE PRINCESS" is one of the best movies ever made!!! i just got it on DVD, and I love it! (I've only rent it before, but it's better when you own it, cause you can see it whenever you want!!) Liesel Matthews is GREAT in this movie!!!!! So sw
at, and WHAT A FANTASTIC ACTRESS she is!!!!
Jasmine - 08/01/00 20:42:42
My URL:http://jasminepop.cjb.net
My Email:butterflyz87@gurlmail.com
This movie is one of the best ever. last time i saw it was on a laser disc at a personal lil home theater w/ my cousin. we prectically finished the box of tissues! :*( she had a ball of tissues about twice as big as a baseball. its kinda funny though caus
my name is Jasmine(a Disney princess) and my cousin's name is sara (which means princess). and we had just seen aladdin right before. so we were both princesses for the whole day. just though id share that w/ ya!
sara - 07/20/00 07:36:04
I think that a little princess is the best movie and book of the millenium 2000 !!! and has long been popular.
Gabriella - 06/07/00 01:28:24
My Email:therudzki@hotmail.com
I'm not a very emotional person. ever since i first saw this movie i always cry at the end. only this and what dreams may come can make me cry. if you know me you know that it's a real achievment! she's a great actress and i hope to see her in more mo
ies soon.
p.s. if you have the lyrics to kindle my heart can i have them?
Mohammad Majdi - 06/06/00 03:28:52
My Email:the_raw_the_rock@hotmail.com
Who can't i got some personal about liesel Matthews ,like her name,age,e-mail,address and more??
i hope u can't give me all you now about liesel Matthews.
Jacqueline - 06/03/00 17:24:27
My Email:jacquelineblack@yahoo.com
love the movie!
Most touching
Christina - 06/02/00 19:50:00
My Email:chrpil@auto-trol.com
What a lovely site! This movie was so lovely to look at - and it's so nice to know that there are others who share my interest. I'm looking for the lyrics to Kindle My Heart...does anyone have them?
Emily Fisher - 06/02/00 03:42:41
My Email:Emilyfisher1
My entire family loves this movie. That just goes to show that this movie appeals to all generations. No other movie can ever show the love between daughter and father. It is the best movie ever.
Lucy - 06/02/00 03:03:04
My URL:http://happygurl.cjb.net
My Email:tulip_lucy@hotmail.com
at last i found a webpage that contain lots of information about A little Princess.I love this movie very much.I even went to new york just to buy this book.This movie is so touching that it will be the best movie in my heart and no any other movie can re
lace "a Little Princess".
Marcia - 04/28/00 02:59:58
My Email:maupid@hotamail.com
Hi! Your page is really cool after all it is my favorite movie!
Teri T. - 04/10/00 00:17:18
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/bxhsgdja
My Email:theresatrieu@catsrule.garfield.com
I loved this page because it has everything I needed. Movie information, pictures, biographies, everything. What this site did not say where is the movie tie-in book sold at (it is at the top of the main page). Also, the page can put in movie clips for do
nloading using QuickTime, RealPlayer, or the computer itself. Again, this page is what I needed.
Teri T. - 04/09/00 23:20:23
My Email:compuserve@catsrule.garfield.com
Shazzar Kallie - 04/08/00 07:24:44
My URL:http://www.shazzar.com
My Email:shazzar@shazzar.com
Thanks so much for this wonderful web site for one of my favorite films. I've looked for ages for a decent "A Little Princess" web site to link to my movie section on my site and I finally found it. It's good to know that people still do appreciate good
film! "A Little Princess" is a visual treasure! God is Love!!!
Kristen Hiner - 03/31/00 06:45:10
My Email:Tori4ChrGrl@aol.com
This is my absolute favorite movie. It is so beautiful, both visually and in its messages and themes. Thanks for making a website on it.
Cynthia Murdock - 03/29/00 20:56:05
My Email:THEMURDOCKS1@msn.com
I love your web site.I specifically looked up Sarah,little princess because I love the movie ,so much infact we named our daughter sarahand she along with all little girls is truley a princess.I was also delighted to see you liked Enya as well ,I too am a
big fan.I have all her music,she has the voice of a Godess.Anyway thank you for your wonderful site,It's so refreshing to see .
Matt Fackrell - 03/27/00 22:39:56
My Email:skaeddy@hotmail.com
Was "A Little Princess" nominated for any Academy Awards?
Emily - 03/21/00 18:58:27
My URL:http://java
My Email:princess_29_30
Liesel Matthews is my fav actress!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susannah - 03/01/00 05:12:23
Most beautiful movie. Had to buy the video and sound track!
Susannah - 03/01/00 05:03:07
Moost beautiful movie. Had to buy the video and sound track!
Claire - 02/23/00 00:59:48
My Email:yralih@worldnet.att.com
It's me again. Can I have an autographed picture of Liesel Matthews and Kelsey Mulrooney?
Claire - 02/23/00 00:53:19
My Email:yralih@worldnet.att.com
Hi! I love the movie and this site. Is there any OFFICIAL connections to Liesel Matthews or Kelsey Mulrooney? How old is KELSEY MULROONEY? (E-mail me.)
martha - 02/21/00 21:25:03
My Email:martha_uranga@yahoo.com
espero que estes bien , quiero agradecerte pues gracias a tu pagina pude conseguir el soundtrack de esta linda pelicula, tu pagina esta cool y muy completa, me gustaria que le pongas videos ya que seria mejor, pero esta muy bien así.
espero que te vaya bien en todo lo que hagas y gracias.
martha(in mexico)
Emily Lynne Thompson - 02/15/00 19:10:19
My Email:emilytoby@juno.com
A Little Princess is my #1 fav!!!!
Liesel Matthews is my fav actress and I even plan to name my first daughter after her!!!!!!
Juliet - 02/03/00 06:31:59
My Email:hrhjuliet@yahoo.com
Beautiful site!
brastrap - 01/15/00 01:00:21
My Email:allsex@hotmail.com
Baby, this was one good movie!!!!!!!!!
kate - 01/15/00 00:58:07
Ilove this movie, it's really cool, and awesome! I love her voice it's so soothing
David - 01/14/00 18:29:57
My Email:davidogborn51@hotmail.com
I think this is one fine movie, much better then the Shirley Temple version.
--=SOB=-- - 01/10/00 07:20:27
My Email:cbrown1333@hotmail.com
Urg i came to ur site by accident clockwork orange is by far the best movie ever i saw this one i forgot what it was about.
M.Strickler - 12/30/99 22:00:30
My Email:m_strickler@bluemail.ch
Good page, Liesel is a nice girl, thank you.
ashley - 11/21/99 23:37:21
i love your movie in fact i watched it last night
misty - 11/18/99 00:43:35
My Email:pink@email.com
hi i just looove ur page all i do every afternoon is vist ur page its soooo cool am i obsessed
sweet_gal - 11/18/99 00:41:18
My Email:hansonlover@hotmail.com
hi thanks for making this graet page i loved the movie and this page is no exeption, if you would like more info on this great movie or you just wanna chat to a L.P fan email me!
sweet_gal - 11/18/99 00:41:17
My Email:hansonlover@hotmail.com
hi thanks for making this graet page i loved the movie and this page is no exeption, if you would like more info on this great movie or you just wanna chat to a L.P fan email me!
david - 11/18/99 00:38:38
My Email:that_guy@hotmail.com
i luv ur page its so cool, but can u put some nacked pis of that girl in?!
wendy - 11/18/99 00:36:47
My URL:http://antiporn.com
My Email:wendy3@hotmail.com
i like sunny skys and butter flys
kick me up the bum and ill be numb
i made that up myself!
cool huh?!
wendy - 11/18/99 00:36:47
My URL:http://antiporn.com
My Email:wendy3@hotmail.com
i like sunny skys and butter flys
kick me up the bum and ill be numb
i made that up myself!
cool huh?!
wendy - 11/18/99 00:36:46
My URL:http://antiporn.com
My Email:wendy3@hotmail.com
i like sunny skys and butter flys
kick me up the bum and ill be numb
i made that up myself!
cool huh?!
Aziah - 11/07/99 23:59:12
My URL:http://fast.to/VirtualAziah
My Email:azy_12@hotmail.com
I just love your page and all the stuff in it. keep up the good work!
Janna - 09/25/99 20:25:15
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ct/ewopen
I loved this movie SO much!! It was absolutely lovely.
GRaceHAnnley - 08/20/99 17:37:15
good page. nice work
Kelli Yen - 08/06/99 23:14:50
My Email:clairedelune@communityconnect.com
I've been searching for song clips of "A Little Princess" for a long time. Thanks for the efforts you've put into for creating this fab site which allows all Princess fans to wander and to cherish....
Best regards,
Kurt Langner - 07/02/99 08:34:19
My URL:/SouthBeach/Marina/3186
My Email:hello2uall@geocities.com
I have seen both versions of the movie, but I would have to say hands down that the one with Amelia Shankley is far better. So if you thought the newer versions was good, try the older version. I don't think you will be disappointed.
Alain - 05/31/99 18:39:16
My Email:remi.severac@wanadoo.fr
A very nice site about a very nice story: thinks.
I read the book and i saw all the versions of this story: the films and the series too. I would ilke to have picts and infos about the serie made by the BBC in 1986 with Amelia Shankley, because it is hard to find some and it is the version wich is the cl
sest from the novel
Alain - 05/31/99 18:38:49
My Email:remi.severac@wanadoo.fr
A very nice site about a very nice story: thinks.
I read the book and i saw all the versions of this story: the films and the series too. I would ilke to have picts and infos about the serie made by the BBC in 1986 with Amelia Shankley, because it is hard to find some and it is the version wich is the cl
sest from the novel
- 05/31/99 18:35:32
Colleen - 05/24/99 21:57:48
My Email:Neelloc157@aol.com
I absolutely love A Little Princess. I have watched this movie so many times that I knoe the whole thing by heart!
Alastair - 05/23/99 20:27:13
Does anyone have any information or pictures of the 1980's tv production of A Little Princess
Sharlene - 05/22/99 01:00:32
My URL:http://come.to/tycp
My Email:webmaster@tycp.zzn.com
I'm good friends with Liesel and I have to say that this site isn't bad looking. I interviewed Liesel last month for The Young Celebrity Page so be sure to check it out! :)
Katie - 05/02/99 12:23:47
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/katiesfunpage
My Email:Katydid85@aol.com
I liked the movie A Little Princess alot. I have also read the book. It is really good. I like this web site because it has lots of information on the movie. All the other sites I have been on don't tell much.
joey randolph - 04/19/99 20:52:39
My Email:recncile@gateway.net
hey, I liked the movie! I saw it a while ago, since it came out a few years ago.Iwould love to have some info on Vanessa Lee Chester,like when she was born and what she likes to do for fun.
Andrea - 03/26/99 04:03:54
My Email:shehasnodna@hotmail.com
Greetings! Thank you for making this site. Otherwise, I would have been looking for the WAV of "Kindle My Heart" all night! So your site helped me greatly. The information was good also. Have you ever read the book by Frances Hodgson Burnett? If you haven
t, I suggest that you do. It has all the movie has, and more. There are a few changes, mainly the ending. The ending in the book is still a happy one, but not quite as happy as the movie. I think I like it better that way, though, for some odd reason. If
ou have read it, or decide to read it, perhaps you could put some info up on your site about it. Thanks.
- 02/08/99 14:30:43
Dear liesel
I loved your movie
- 02/08/99 14:29:40
Eric Bus - 12/09/98 22:43:32
My URL:http://lieselmatthews.hypermart.net/
My Email:subcire@hotmail.com
Nice site!
jman - 11/10/98 03:43:45
i loved the movie. it was sad but it had a good ending. your page is great!
10/25/98 11:26:56
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Nahir - 10/10/98 18:02:22
I love your page. Thank you so much for providing a wave to the song "Kindle my Heart". I love the song and have been looking for a page that has it. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!
Cindy - 09/30/98 19:57:59 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
What a nice page! Please visit mine!
Taryn - 09/06/98 22:04:34
My Email:vblackbu@orednet.com
I loved the music soo much to The Little Princess
and was so glad to find a soundtrack for it:) Thank you! taryn
Dancerth - 08/26/98 03:05:37
My URL:http://expage.com/page/Dancerthsvh
My Email:Dancerth@aol.com
i really like ur site. i have been looking everywhere for some songs from the movie and finally ur website has it. thanx=0) I would also like to know if i can get some of songs from the soundtrack in .mp3 or .ra format. Can send me some?? thank you!
Letty - 07/06/98 05:52:01
My Email:Lettynan@Webtv.Net
I Love your Movie.
Adrian Wong - 04/02/98 20:30:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/9460/
My Email:wjadrian2546q_9@yahoo.com
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