Total Film (November 1999 Issue:)


End of Days:

Who is in it: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gabriel Byrne, Robin Tunney, Rod Steiger, Kevin Pollak, Renee Olstead and Udo Kier

Who made it: Peter Hyams, who directed oozy horror flick The Relic and put Van Damme through his motions on Timecop. The screenplay is courtesy of Air Force One scripter Andrew W. Marlowe, while SFX god Stand Winston's created one or two demonic beasties

What's the plot: On the eve of the Millennium, the Prince of Darkness himself (Byrne) descends upon New York searching for a human bride with whom to sire the Anti-Crist and thus take over the world. And the only man with the balls to stand up to the horny devil? Arnie, of course, whose ex-cop-turned-elite-securitiy-specialist Jericho Cane becomes protector to Satan's intended, Christine Bethlehem (Tunney). Love the biblical monickers.

Why should you be exited: Arnie has been AWOL since playing unamusing quipster-baddie Mr. Freeze in '97's ultra-crappy Batman and Robin, but there's something quite fitting about the ageing yet still iconic action star seeing out the century in this supernatural thriller. The moody teaser shows a sombre side to Arnie, who flexes more than just his sagging pecs (his character goes through a crisis of faith). And, with a budget of $ 100 million, they won't be skimping when it comes to the pyrotechnic mayhem.

Release: in Holland now (mid November), UK: 10 December



Gabriel in a special about End of Days (Third!)

Gabriel as Satan in the End of Days

Gabriel in a special about End of Days (First!)

Gabriel in a special about End of Days (Second!)

Gabriel in End of Days

Gabriel in a special about End of Days (Second)

More End of Days pics!!!


DVD pics End of Days!!!



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29 July 2000