Grease Bloopers

Grease Bloopers

Here are some bloopers from the movie. Next time you watch Grease see if you can find them.
1)In the beginning of the movie (when they're standing in front of the school) you can see '70s cars in the background.
2)When Vi is closing up the Frosty Palace, she goes to turn off the lights, but she is about 3 inches away from the switch and they still go off!
3)During "We Go Together" (the song) John Travolta messes up the words and Olivia Newton-John stops lipsynching and looks at him laughing, even though her voice is heard singing on the track.
4)At the dance scene (After Cha Cha and Danny won the dance contest) Marty tries to stand up and but steps on her dress.
5)At the drive-in, when Marty tells Sonny Rizzo's "knocked up" her mouth keeps moving after the sound stops.
6)During the bonfire scene (after Coach Calhoun says "Give 'em hell Rydell!") A guy in a yellow shirt grabs a girls butt.
7)At the beginning of "Your the One That I want", Danny just throughs away his School Letter after working hard all year for it. Who would do that just to sing a song?
8)At the end of "We go Together", no one is singing at the same time as the track.
9)There are lots of bloopers with collars! Watch Rizzo during the lunch scene (collar up, then down), Sandy at the drive in (collar up, then down) and Sandy during "Your the one that I Want" (collar down, then up)
10)When Sandy walks into the lunchroom scene, a piece of meat from Jan's sandwich goes flying.

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