What is FAME?

What is FAME?
Is FAME having millions of people love you? Is it having a fan club in your honor? Is it having fans who are obsessed with your every move? No, these things are what being famous is about. FAME is something different.

Knowing that your talent (acting,singing,writing,etc.)has touched someone in some way. Knowing that you might have an influence on someone's life. Knowing that you have made a difference. Being famous is a side-advantage of FAME. FAME is a state of mind. A goal in life.

While some people strive to be famous, I strive for FAME. FAME is doing what you love (whether it be acting, singing, writing,whatever!)no matter what other people think. FAME is caring about pursuing your happiness. The real thing that people should go for is FAME. Having people know who you are after your gone. (What's the point of living life if no one even knows you existed?) Being famous is something you can achieve but FAME is something you are born with. The need to be famous. So instead of trying to be famous, try to have FAME, the quality that only the truly great possese.
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