
This is my poetry section. All poems found here are by me, unless otherwise indictated. That means I own all the rights to them. Any distribution, reproduction, reposting, etc without my explicit and complete written permission are strictly prohibited by law. I will sue, if these laws are not followed. If you want to post a poem of mine on your web page, write to me. Odds are, as long as you are not making money off of them without compensating me, and if you agree to link my page to yours, then I'll most likely say yes. I'm a nice guy and really have no problem with my poems being reposted WITH my permission. Anyway, that's enough legal warnings and ranting about that. Some poems may contain adult content, but most probably won't. Follow the links below to the poem of your choice. You can email me at Maddhatcat@aol.com. Enjoy!

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