Backed by 25 years of research and scientific studies, PYRUVATE is promising to offer the hard training athlete TWO primary results: 1.Accelerated fat loss without sacrificing lean muscle mass. 2.Increased endurance during intense exercise by up to 20%. The accelerated fat loss potential resulting from Pyruvate supplementation seems to be due to Pyruvates ability to increase the metabolic rate of individual cells; thus leading to greater fat utilization (from both ingested dietary fat and existing stored body fat). The second benefit of Pyruvate supplementation is improved exercise endurance. Through a process known as "Glucose Extraction", Pyruvate actually enables the muscle cell to "take-in" up to 300% more glucose from circulating blood than when pyruvate levels are below par (2-5 grams pyruvate supplementation per day). More glucose within the muscle cell leads to much greater glucose utilization and glycogen retention. This should translate into greater endurance during high intensity sports such as body building. Furthermore, Pyruvate seems to provide endurance without the nervousness and jitterness caused by thermogenic fat burners. Clinical studies suggest that the optimum daily dose for Pyruvate supplementation necessary to produce results is between 2-5 grams. In fact, the response with 10 or 15 grams is the same as with 5 grams. Therefore the common notion among hard core body builders that "more is better" does not hold true with pyruvate supplementation.

Last modified: March 15, 2001

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