June, 1999
This months edition of the #Depressed newsletter is sponsored by new, improved DAMITOL! The Anti-Depressant to use when it just doesn't matter!
WOW! We made it through another winter! It wasn't easy, it never is, but we are all ready for a little sun and fun I would think. As I am sure we all know, I have been more than a little remiss in updating this page, and MANY things have happened to us all since last I did this, babies born, trips taken, new friends and old. I will try hard to get the most pertinent stuff in here. What I forget to put in you will have to remind me.
CONGRATULATIONS go out to FAIN and Ms. FAIN on the birth of a new baby! Welcome to the world Ben!
The new guidelines for #depressed ops are now posted on the website! Ops and users are encouraged to check them out, and become familiar with them. We hope they clear up some confusion as to the "RULES" of the channel. They can be found at:
This month in the #Depressed News Letter:
TheGypsy's Poetry Corner
Psychiatric Hotline. . .HUMOR