About the web author...

Hi there! I'm Mary, the creator of this web site. I decided to create a web site about sciatica in 1996 simply because I found that there wasn't much about the topic on the web. I recall spending hours searching on the web for information about sciatica, and all I found were advertisements for various products that might relieve the pain, but there wasn't one site out there that described how to cope with sciatica on a daily basis. Most of these sites were concerned about your ordering their products more than anything.

I also wanted to share my experiences with others who battle sciatica on a daily basis. My guestbook is a great way to discuss concerns and pose questions about sciatica. My message board is also a means of discussing sciatica with others who are in the same boat. I've learned a great deal since I first created this site from those who have visited it, and I hope that what I have shared with you helps you as well.

I am thirty years of age, and was first diagnosed with sciatica when I was nineteen. I was in the process of studying for my first-year university exams, when the pain started. I didn't sleep at all the night before my Psychology exam, as there wasn't a position in bed that was comfortable enough for me to fall asleep. I sat through that exam with a lot of discomfort, but two extra-strength Aspirins help a bit. I had two exams after that, and really didn't care how I did on them, as the pain was just unbearable. The pain went away after months of physiotherapy, but I have noticed that the pain does recur. I'm still learning how to cope with sciatica. I hope to find more ways of preventing sciatica from recurring, as I have unfortunately gone through it a few times.

Should you wish to know more about me, I do have a personal web site. At last, I have stopped procrastinating. (Yes, it took me practically two years to update it!) Luckily, I update my Sciatica page more often. Should you wish to check it out, click here. Proceed with caution!

I also have an online diary devoted to how I feel and how I'm coping with any pain I may be experiencing. I tend to update it a few times a week.

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