March 30th
I am sorry I have not been in touch more, I have been kind of sick so I’m spending a lot of time resting. I go for chemo tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. I sure hope it goes as easy as the other time. Dr. Kim, my radiologist changed my radiation location yesterday, now they are sending it in through my sides instead of through my chest and back. He says they can get to more of the cancer this way and can only do it the other way for 3 weeks because it hits my spinal cord. Also, Dr. Kang, the chemo doctor said I would get chemo every three weeks for a series of 6 times so I’ll have four left after this.
My head is definitely bald now, even the stubble has fallen out. LOL.. I don’t mind it too much except that it is sooooooooooooooooo cold. I have gained 7 pounds which is good, my appetite hasn’t improved much but I am eating as much as I can, especially fattening foods. My throat is very sore from the radiation so it is mostly smooth stuff, makes me feel like I did when I got my tonsils out. LOL.
My mom is doing pretty good. She has fallen a few times since the change in her medication, she hasn’t been hurt or broken anything thank GOD. I think the medication is too strong for her so I am cutting them in half for awhile to see. Her orthopedist thinks she has carpal tunnel in her left wrist, so she is getting tested for this next week, if it is then she will have the surgery done.
I want to thank all of you for all the goodies that you have sent me. I’m glad the doctor put me on anti-depressants or I’d be crying all the time. You all mean so much to me.
March 31st
I had chemo today, after waiting for several hours to see if I could or not. My white cell count was down pretty low so the nurses had to take more blood and wait for orders from the doctor. I didn’t get out the hospital until 6:30 p.m. boy am I pooped. I feel pretty well though. I didn’t get radiation today because of being at the hospital all day but will tomorrow, seems it is getting to me more than the chemo. I have radiation at 9:20, chemo 9:45, radiation 3:20 and mom’s appointment.
I am taking my mom to the doctor tomorrow also, I think she did hurt her right hip when she fell. She hasn’t been on it much but when she does she says it hurts very much and the doctor did say that if anything she could dislocate this one easily so perhaps that is what she has done. She is looking so old now days, I know that 83 is no spring chicken but mom never really looked her age that much to me until now.
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April 1999
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