September 21st
So sorry for not updating sooner, my brother has been on the phone non-stop getting all sorts of donations for our fund-raiser this Sunday. Boy are there a lot of great things, I am overwhelmed with all the community support we have received. I have placed mom in the same NH as before. She went in yesterday because they only had one female bed left and I wanted her there so. She went right in to play Bingo, when I checked on her last night they said she was in having her regular coffee clutch with the gals, guess she is doing better than I did. I had to get fluids yesterday so it was a long day for me and very trying and I am still getting the tummy shots. Today I had a Pulmonary Function Test as part of my Pre-Transplant Workup, I have loads of other tests scheduled this week and next.September 29th
So many things have happened since I last updated. We had the fund-raiser on the 24th. I
was so excited, we had so many things donated for the raffle and auction and in-kind stuff
and the food, my goodness was there ever a lot. I really got such a strong feeling of
community, the old fashion neighbor helping neighbor kind of community spirit but you
know, the only people that showed up were my family, my close friends and friends of
other members of the family. There were very few community members that came, you
know, strangers, ex-co-workers, etc. We had fun though and did manage to gather $1100
dollars, which is great but all of it could have meant so much more. Yes, the money is
definitely needed but the non-financial support of strangers is so important. Having
someone you don’t even know pat you on the back and tell you they are thinking of you
and praying for you, the encouragement you get from that sort of thing is priceless. Well
anyway, it’s over now and I am thankful for those that did attend, money or not to show
me they cared. I had mom there for only a few minutes. She had an accident (diarrhea)
and I had no pads to change her into or clean clothes so I had to take her back to the NH. I
did go off on them and asked why she had such a bad rash there and why she hadn’t had
her Imodium. I felt this was the last time that mom and I could be together like this before
I go up north and it was ruined. I did apologize the next day for being so emotional about
it. I have also found out that the entire procedure is out patient unless I present myself in
need of hospitalization. This is very scary to me. I know how sick I got last year just from
the chemo and having low counts, I can’t imagine being taken to absolute zero with very
strong chemo and left to fend for myself. I have gotten my Will, Health Directive and
POA taken care of, that was mind blowing too. Crystal might be having the baby before I
go. She is borderline Toximic, dilated to two and having some mild contractions off and
on. Her doctor said if the baby is fully developed Wednesday when she has her ultra
sound that they will induce her. My brother has left, he is back in California again. He did
so much work with mom and the fund-raiser, it wouldn’t of happened if not for him. At
any rate, we are all doing well here.
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