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B Ferré - 08/22/99 06:10:42
My URL:http://www.afcp.net
My Email:ferrecos@club-internet.fr
Comments: Orthopaezdic Surgeon Montauban France
Very nice
Thank you for the shouder score . I download it
this mornin
Concerning case 1 on your homepage: The answering procedure did not work, so I 'll try it this way:
I would operate as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more difficult the procedure will be. If done within a few weeks, an reconstruction would still be possible: repositioning of the head into the glenoid, without opening the capsule any more tha
it is. Then minimal osteosynthesis with K-wires and cerclage wiring (traction band). If you open the capsule you will greatly increase the risk of an avascular necrosis (large risk anyway, even if you do not operate), and you will end up with a lot of lo
se and avital pieces of bone, very difficult to put together. The same for massive implants (plate and screws): greater risk for AVN.
If to long after the initial trauma, (longer then three or four weeks ?) then a hemiprosthesis is the only option.
Joseph Keating - 05/18/99 00:48:34
My Email:jekeating@equiva.com
Hi Viktor, I am an old friend of Gayl's. She has mentioned your story to me several times before. I have nothing but admiration for your quest to make yourself not only a better life but to be a better person. The scope of your future accomplishments will
be limitless because you do not accept boundaries. I am a man of this country whereas you are a man of this world. Bravo to you.
Shannon Meier - 05/15/99 13:16:55
My Email:mouser@iquest.net
Dear Viktor:
My name is Shannon. I am very good friends with Gayl. I work at the Indiana Surgery Center. I have met you several times, but we have never spoke at length. Gayl has kept me apprised of your progress here in the U.S. I must say your story is an i
spiration to me. I agree you have very good friends in Frank and Gayl. They have helped me through some really tough times. I agree with you that it is the people in your life that maks you feel good. I wish you and your family the very best. Look ho
far you have come in such a short time. I know you will be practicing medecine here very soon.
Marsha Neace - 04/11/99 23:39:47
My Email:marsha@kih.net
My name is Marsha. I am 31 years old and I teach
high school. I was born with club feet. I wore braces for most of my childhood and have worn corrective shoes ever since. My condition has continued to worsen. Both feet are continuing to turn. The doctor I consulted recommended surgery, but I would r
ther try to correct the problem with braces. I am trying to located a doctor that can perscribe the braces that I need.
dave rodgers - 03/13/99 16:10:31
My Email:davemarwiz@cwjamaica.com
dave rodgers - 03/13/99 16:07:32
My URL:http://www..cwjamaica
My Email:davemarwiz
Great web page!
I think i've found this web page right on time. I've being suffering with a sivere knee injury for a long time and would like to know if its ok for you to give a second opinion.
internet friend
Brittney - 01/06/99 19:36:28
I am doing a project for school on what to be and I wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon or a transplant surgeon. I was looking at your site to see what kind of information you had and if I can use some.
ernesto madalogdog - 12/25/98 14:26:20
My Email:airning@yahoo.com
Comments: yes
i'd like to research on different kinds of orthopedic cases
in case u have here coz i'm studying here in the Philippines
taking up physical therapy.
anyway, merry xmas and happy new year
Maria - 12/12/98 05:48:21
My Email:datcheva@yahoo.com
E, vizdam che e krajno vreme i nasheto balgarsko saslovie da se razpishe...;-)
Vsichko dobro!
Annie Merrifield - 12/02/98 19:16:54
My Email:amerrif1@ic3.ithaca.edu
Comments: information
Dr. Viktor,
I enjoyed your website and think it is very informative. I am a student at Ithaca College. My major is Exercise Science and I'd like to eventually become an orthopedic surgeon. I'm searching for more information about this field, and also I an intere
ted in possibly finding a summer job where I will be able to gain experience . Do you have any advice or suggestions for me?
Thank you for your time!
Annie Merrifield
Tamree - 11/12/98 01:38:13
My Email:tamree_sizemore@hotmail.com
Comments: Hi.
Hello my name is Tamree and I need an orthopedic surgeon's phone number for my school instructor. My phone is not available and I was wondering if you could give me yours. May I? if so please email it to me. I need it tonight.
Gayl - 11/10/98 01:48:33
My Email:Kneenurse@AOL.com
Comments: Hi Viktor!!
I found your website!! I'll go to the links when I'm not so tired. It has been wonderful getting to know you!! Dr. Wilson says you're a gift from God, and I must agree!! I'm very glad you're working with us and I will help you in anyway I can!!
"Hello" to Stela for me!!