Welcome to our "Oasis by the Sea"...hidden amongst swaying palms trees,and fragrant frangipani, just metres from the beautiful cliffs and white sandy beaches of the tropical North.
We moved here in August 1998, and we immediately knew this was 'meant to be'. From the Buddhas on the front gate to the zen garden by the pool. It compliments our careers, interests and lifestyle. Our menagerie of animals all live together in harmony, and the garden is prolific in colour and lush greenery.
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..and here are Alexander (Alex) and
Louise (Weeze!!)
(for whom we give thanks everyday!!)
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Of course the problem with living in the tropics
is that it gets so damn
... not to mention the wildlife
before I forget
here's me!!!!
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Hey come back to our main page,
and see what else we get up to.....