Yelvington Baptist Church

Yelvington Baptist Church is a small, rural church located in the "town" of Yelvington, KY. Average attendance is 85 persons on a Sunday morning. Because the church is so small, everyone knows everyone else, and when one of us hurts, we all hurt. When one rejoices, we all rejoice. The love and emotional, physical and financial support extended to us during Jonah's birth, hospitalizations and simply his day to day life, has been astounding. Nowhere else have we experienced such true Christian love. Without the support and prayers of such a dedicated church, I'm not sure we could have made it this far. This church will forever hold a place of honor in our lives. The acceptance and willingness to help extended by this group of Christians has surpassed that of even our own families. Yelvington Baptist Church has strengthened our families beliefs in God, church, and Christian service. This church is truly a light in our community.

Yelvington Baptist Church 4610 Hwy 662 Maceo, KY 42355 502-264-1610 Brother Sam Huff 502-691-3219



Jonah also has a list of people to thank for supporting him, and helping mommy and daddy through such scary times. This list is NOT inclusive, as there are just too many caring people who've helped our family. But, here goes, with just a few of those helpers!!! Nana and Papaw Bittel, Mamaw and Papaw Edge, Uncle Frank and Aunt Laura Edge, Uncle Rob and Aunt Kathy Edge (Jonah's godparents), Uncle Bubby and Aunt Becky Morris, Dr. Ben Keeley (who is tireless in his efforts to help Jonah), Ms. Kathy Ellsworth (infant stim), Ms. Dolly Stephens (physical therapist), Ms. Holly Reynolds (speech therapist), Sam and Vanessa Huff (they give mommy and daddy "date time"), Mindy McCollam (world's best babysitter), Jonah's doctors (too many to name, but may God bless them all), Everyone else who has contributed in ANY way to helping us out!!

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