Association of periOperative Registered Nurses of Alameda County, California

AORN Alameda County, CA
Monthly Chapter Meeting Minutes

NEW! Chapter Meeting Minutes Archives Page (September 1997 - June 2001)

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Nordstrom Stoneridge Mall, Pleasanton
December 4, 2002

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1800 by President Sophie Taylor.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The newsletter budget is close to being met and the deadline for submissions was November 29.
The January 8, 2003 chapter meeting will be on the PNDS presented by Kathie Shea.


BYLAWS: Kathie Shea reviewed our chapter Bylaws/Policy Committee's recommended changes to our chapter bylaws as presented at the November meeting. These changes reflect changes to our National Bylaws passed by the House of Delegates at the AORN Congress, April 2002. A motion was made to accept the proposed language in Article III, Section 3 C; Article VIII; and Article IX, E. Following discussion, the motion was seconded and approved by the members present.

TREASURER'S REPORT: A closing balance of $18,541.97 as of December 3, 2002 was reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri.

WAYS & MEANS: The Christmas greens have arrived. Contact Donna Benotti to arrange for pickup.

RAFFLE: Gwen Hill of Summit won the $100 Nordstrom gift certificate. The chapter realized a profit of $163 on the raffle.

ADJOURNMENT: The business meeting was adjourned at 1815 by President Sophie Taylor.

PROGRAM: "Holiday Fashions and Spring Trends," a fashion show, was presented by Ildiko Scott, Wardrobe Consultant, Personal Touch Manager, Nordstrom.

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Eden Medical Center, Conference Room
November 6, 2002

The meeting was called to order at 1800 by President Sophie Taylor.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Our next meeting is Wednesday, December 4, 2002, at Nordstrom Stoneridge. It is a fun program entitled "Holiday Fashion and Spring Trends."

Perioperative Nurse Week is November 10 - 16, 2002.

Deadline for submissions to the award-winning newsletter is November 29, 2002.

Neighbor chapter workshops include: AORN San Jose "Bioterrorism" November 16, 2002; AORN SF/Marin "Antibiotic Resistance, Occupational Asthma, and Latex Allergies" November 23, 2002; and, AORN SF/Marin "Understanding the Medical Legal Process" presented by Bill Duffy, RN, MJ.

Linda Groah will be the featured speaker at the Congress ORNCC luncheon. Details will be forthcoming.


BYLAWS: Kathie Shea presented proposed chapter bylaws changes. The proposed language reflects changes to our National Bylaws passed by the House of Delegates at the AORN Congress, April 2002. This issue will be revisited and voted on at the December chapter meeting.

Virginia Olson, a graduate student at San Jose State University, asked for the chapter's assistance in completing a survey on home-laundered scrubs.

EDUCATION/PROGRAM: Make your reservations for the December meeting no later than November 27. The cost is $20 and no late reservations will be accepted. We will meet at customer service in Nordstrom by 5:20 p.m. sharp!

WAYS & MEANS: Turn in your greens money to Donna Benotti tonight.

A closing balance of $16,486.47 as of November 5, 2002 was reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri.

"Breast Cancer 2002" was presented by Lisa Bailey, MD.

RAFFLE: A free AORN membership was won by Pam Reuling, RN.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1954 by President Sophie Taylor.

SUBMITTED BY: Donna G. Rodgers


AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Eden Medical Center, Conference Room
October 2, 2002

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1804 by President Sophie Taylor.

"The Nursing Shortage: A Patient Safety Issue" workshop will be presented by AORN SF/Marin on October 26, 2002, at SF Veterans Administration Medical Center Auditorium. See Sophie for details.

The next monthly meeting is November 6, 2002. Dr. Lisa Bailey will present an update on "Breast Cancer 2002."

The December meeting will be held at Nordstrom Stoneridge. Raffle tickets for the $100 gift certificate from Nordstrom are available from Kathie Shea.

Bill Duffy and Anita Shoup are running for President Elect on the 2003 National AORN ballot.

A chairperson is needed for the Legislative Committee.

Perioperative Nurse Week is November 10 - 16, 2002.

Our award-winning newsletter needs advertisers.

The AORN Foundation is looking for a volunteer within each chapter to help with Chapter Challenge updates, fundraising events, scholarship opportunities, etc.


EDUCATION/PROGRAM: Our Sept. 21 workshop drew 23 attendees, half of whom were RNs, 2 techs, and the remainder from CPD. We netted a $1200 profit. A special thanks to Kathie Shea, Ann Ceasri, and Beth Mar for their help.

WAYS & MEANS: Packets for the Christmas Greens Sale are available. Please take one per facility.

Junior students from Samuel Merritt are in place.

"Regional Blocks for Postoperative Pain Analgesia" was presented by Brian Hite, MD, Department of Anesthesia, Summit Medical Center.

A closing balance of $15,998.43 as of 10/1/02 was reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1931 by President Sophie Taylor.

By Donna G. Rodgers

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Eden Medical Center, Conference Room
September 4, 2002

CALL TO ORDER: The business meeting was called to order at 1800 by President Sophie Taylor. AORN's mission statement and vision were read by Sophie (Mission: AORN supports Registered Nurses in achieving optimal outcomes for patients undergoing operative and other invasive procedures. Vision: AORN is the global leader in promoting excellence in perioperative nursing practice.).

Please submit newsletter entries to Mary Ritchie, including any planned perioperative nurse week activities, by September 25.

Our workshop, "Breaking the Repair Cycle", is September 21 and SF/Marin is presenting "The Nursing Shortage: A Patient Safety Issue" on October 26 (Held at San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center Auditorium. Presented by Mary Foley, RN, MS, Past President of ANA. See Sophie for details.).

Our next meeting will be October 2, 2002, and will feature Brian Hite, MD, speaking on "Regional Blocks for Postoperative Pain Analgesia."

The December meeting will be held at Nordstroms Pleasanton and will feature a raffle for a $100 Nordstrom gift certificate.

Kathie Shea was presented with the Outstanding Member Award for her work on the PNDS manual.

There will be a brief Board of Directors meeting when this meeting adjourns.


MEMBERSHIP: Tonight's award for biggest carpool goes to Summit Medical Center.

PROJECT ALPHA: Contact Donna Benotti to arrange for students to come to your facility.

WAYS & MEANS: Christmas greens packets will be available at the next meeting.

RESEARCH: Please complete tonight's clinical question. Results will be published in the next newsletter.

PROGRAM: "Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy" was presented by Denise Bickert, RN, MS, CNOR, Director of Surgical and Maternal Child Services at ValleyCare Health Systems, Pleasanton.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1930 by Vice President Donna Benotti.

BY: Donna G. Rodgers

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Strizzi's Restaurant, San Leandro
June 5, 2002

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1920 by President Sophie Taylor.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Committee sign-up sheets are available tonight. The Transition Board Meeting will be June 15 from 0900-1200 at Eden Hospital. Please complete the survey from Donna Benotti on meeting topics. Lastly, the Bylaws meeting will be Tuesday, June 11, from 1800-2000.

MINUTES: Minutes of the May 8, 2002, monthly chapter meeting were read by the readers committee and approved.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A closing balance of $15,649.23 as of June 4 was reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri. Submitted for audit.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A motion was made to destroy the returned election ballots. Following discussion, this motion was seconded and approved by the membership.

PRESIDENTIAL REPORT: Sophie Taylor shared her presidential highlights from the past year.

1) CNOR - Amy Saft, past scholarship recipient, now in nurse anesthetist program.
2) CRNFA - Linda Vassallo, our second member to be recognized for this honor.
3) Chapter Authors - Denise Bickert, whose laparoscopic prostatectomy article appeared in the AORN Journal; and, Kathie Shea, who authored chapter 4 of the 2nd edition of the PNDS; and award-winning newsletter editor Mary Ritchie.

RECOGNITION OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: See agenda for the names of those honored for their service in 2001-2002.

INSTALLATION OF ELECTED OFFICIALS: See agenda for the names of the officers and board of directors for 2002-2003.

PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: Sophie Taylor plans to have a membership drive in the fall. Jackie Cummings will chair the legislative committee. Mentoring and education will continue to be emphasized. Hopefully, we will send a full delegation to congress in 2003. Sophie also announced she will soon be taking a position as risk coordinator at Kaiser Oakland/Richmond. We wish her well in her new position.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1948 by President Sophie Taylor.

By Donna G. Rodgers

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Eden Medical Center, Conference Room
May 8, 2002

The meeting was called to order at 1800 by President Sophie Taylor.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Bylaws meeting will be Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at Sophie's house from 1800-2000. Tidbits from Congress: 1) Our chapter received the
intermediate-sized chapter newsletter award; 2) The one-member-one-vote measure was defeated; 3) The Governance Task Force will continue for another year; and
4) "Patient Safety First" is the current focus with a $1 million budget.
Nominations for National are due.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A closing balance of $16,968.82 as of May 7, 2002 was
reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri. Submitted for audit.


BYLAWS: Need to be updated following Congress. Standing committees have been
dissolved in favor of a PRN basis.

EDUCATION/PROGRAM: The next meeting will be the Installation of Officers at
Strizzi's Restaurant. See flyer for details.

HISTORIAN: Please submit contributions to Martha See.

LEGISLATIVE: There was an ORNCC meeting May 4, 2002. Look for details in the
upcoming newsletter. The next ORNCC meeting will be September 14 in Long Beach featuring Tim Porter-O'Grady.

NEWSLETTER: Deadline for the next issue is May 24.

POINTS: June 30 is the last day to submit your points tally to Donna Rodgers.

RESEARCH: There is no clinical question tonight. Please submit suggestions to Kathie Shea.

SCHOLARSHIP: There were no applicants this year, so the $350 (after expenses) will be carried over to next year.

WAYS & MEANS: Source of income via classes taught by Donna B. and Kathie to
Stryker reps. in jeopardy due to internal reassignment at Stryker.

TELLERS: Results of balloting: 38 ballots submitted, 36 are valid. President - Sophie Taylor (35); Secretary - Donna Rodgers (35); and Board of Directors - Susan Sykes (34). Submitted for audit.

NEW BUSINESS: We are examining the issues around providing a babysitter at meetings. Volunteers are needed. Hopefully we will have it worked out by

"NuVasive INS-1" was presented by Kevin Walsh of Source Surgical.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1925 by President Sophie Taylor.

By Donna Rodgers

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Eden Medical Center, Conference Room
April 3, 2002

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1803 by President Sophie Taylor.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Bylaws meeting will be at Sophie's new abode Tuesday April 9, 1800-2000.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A closing balance of $16,377.78 as of April 2 was reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri. Submitted for audit.


NOMINATING: Still seeking volunteers to fill slate of candidates. Contact Evelyn Steen ASAP.

EDUCATION/PROGRAM: Next month's program will be on NuVasive. What is it? Come find out! Note that the May meeting is on the second Wednesday of the month, May 8.

NEWSLETTER: The deadline for the current newsletter was March 29, so all articles should be in.

POINTS: Submit your points sheets at the June meeting. They are available from Donna Rodgers.

RESEARCH: Please complete tonight's clinical question and return to Kathie Shea.

NEW BUSINESS: Congress issues were presented by Kathie Shea. There are six proposed National Bylaws changes to be discussed at the House of Delegates. The first proposal is to have all past presidents serve as delegates. This generated such a lively discussion among chapter members that it was suggested review of the remaining five proposals be deferred until after the evening's educational program.

"Flexible Humeral Rodding" was presented by Jay Wisner, Synthes Consultant.

The remaining proposals are: 2) Provide for representation of the special assemblies in the House of Delegates; 3) Provide for representation of Golden Gavel members in the House of Delegates; 4) Replace standing committees with ad hoc task forces or
committees; 5) Provide for a mechanism by which the House of Delegates can act between Congresses; and 6) Provide for broader representation of the membership via "extraordinary voters."

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1946 by President Sophie Taylor.

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Eden Medical Center, Conference Room
March 6, 2002

ALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1802 by President Sophie Taylor.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The March 11 Bylaws meeting has been canceled.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A closing balance of $16,587.08 as of March 5 was reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri. Submitted for audit.


BYLAWS: Working on a calendar to be used as a guide for officers.

EDUCATION: A program on "Flexible Humeral Nails" will be presented by Jay Wisner, Synthes Consultant, next month.

LEGISLATIVE: Committee will sponsor next month's raffle for a Piedmont Springs gift certificate. At the recent ORNCC meeting, Anita Shoup spoke of pressing issues including: postponed dues increase, governance task force to remove all standing committees and add as needed, one member/one vote, new nurse recruitment and mentoring, smoke plume task force, and possibility
of another organizational name change.

NEWSLETTER: Next deadline is March 29, 2002.

RESEARCH: Tonight's clinical question is on sterilization knowledge. Please complete assessment quiz.

Kathie Shea and Donna Benotti taught another Stryker class. The question of “are we giving away our practice” arose.

Seeking slate of candidates to include president, president-elect, secretary, board of directors, and nominating committee.

NEW BUSINESS: A motion was made to fund the delegates to attend the Awards Dinner at Congress. Following discussion, this motion was seconded and approved by the membership.

PROGRAM: “Not the Same Old Flash: A Panel Discussion of Sterilization Issues” was moderated by Kathie Shea, RN, BSN, CNOR, Perioperative Educator, San Ramon Regional Medical Center.

RAFFLE: Deferred until next meeting.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1945 by President Sophie Taylor.

By Donna Rodgers

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Eden Medical Center, Conference Room
February 6, 2002

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1802 by President Sophie Taylor.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: See Agenda. There is one delegate position still available.
However, in order to be funded by the chapter, potential delegates must turn in their points sheet.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A closing balance of $16,022.99 as of February 5 was reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri. Submitted for audit.


BYLAWS: The next meeting will be at Sophie's house on Monday, February 11,1800-2000.

There was an ORNCC meeting this past Saturday. The House of Delegates at Congress will be lengthy due to numerous issues on the table. The California luncheon will be Monday, April 22, from 1130-1300 at a cost of $40 and one contact hour. Volunteers are needed for Congress if you are interested.

NEWSLETTER: Your newsletter will be arriving via mail soon.

RESEARCH: Tonight's clinical question is on positioning.

WAYS & MEANS: Tonight's raffle prize will be a warm-up jacket. See ad for same in newsletter.

The meeting next month will be on sterilization practices. There will be a panel discussion with a pre-learning assessment. Our treasurer reports a $958 profit on the wound closure workshop.

PROGRAM: "Positioning the Patient in the Perioperative Setting" was presented by David Black, MD, Anesthesiologist, Eden Medical Center.

The Legislative Committee will sponsor the meeting next monthwith a raffle prize of a Piedmont Springs gift certificate.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1930 by President Sophie Taylor.

Submitted by Donna G. Rodgers

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Eden Medical Center, Castro Valley
January 9, 2002

The meeting was called to order at 1800 by President Sophie Taylor.

MINUTES: Minutes of the December 5 chapter meeting were read by the Readers Committee and approved.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A closing balance of $14,473.51 as of January 8 was reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri. Submitted for audit.


PRESIDENT: Revision of the PNDS by Susan Kleinbeck will be presented at Congress. We have been notified that our chapter will be receiving an award at Congress. Our chapter now has 168 members. The 13th World Congress will be held in Hong Kong in 2003. Felicia Williams is our newest Board member.

BYLAWS: The next meeting will be at Sophie's house on Monday, January 14, 1800-2000.

EDUCATION: The Wound Closure Workshop on the 19th must adhere to the January 12 sign-up deadline.

LEGISLATIVE: The next ORNCC meeting will be February 2 in Orange County. Sophie and Felicia plan to attend. On the agenda will be the one member/one vote proposal.

Deadline for the next newsletter is January 25. Committee reports are welcome, please!

RESEARCH: There is no clinical question this evening.

NOMINATING: Candidates are being sought for the offices of President, President-elect, Board of Directors, Nominating Committee and Secretary.


PROGRAM: "Malignant Hyperthermia" was presented by Donna Benotti, RN, CNOR, Clinical Nurse IV, Alta Bates Summit Medical Center.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1909 by President Sophie Taylor.

Submitted by Donna Rodgers

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Dino's Restaurant, Castro Valley
December 5, 2001

PROGRAM: "Preventing Workplace Injuries" was presented by Ivy M. Silva, RN, BSN, Employee Occupational Health Nurse, Eden Medical Center.

CALL TO ORDER: The business meeting was called to order at 1937 by President Sophie Taylor.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A closing balance of $14,684.80 as of 12/04/01 was reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri. Submitted for audit.

MINUTES: Minutes of the Nov. 7, 2001, chapter meeting were read by Readers Committee and approved.


MEMBERSHIP: Don't forget to sign up in advance for the January 19 ïWound Closure Workshop.E Walk-ins will not be allowed.

BUDGET & FINANCE: The Board has approved the proposed budget for 2001-2002. Extra copies are available for those who are interested.

SCHOLARSHIP: Annual Scholarship raffle was held. The grand prize trip to Tahoe went to Kathie Shea. See upcoming newsletter for further details.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 2000 by President Sophie Taylor.

Submitted by Donna Rodgers

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Eden Medical Center, Conference Room
November 7, 2001

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1800 by President Sophie Taylor.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: See November Chapter Meeting agenda. Don't forget our December meeting will be at Dino's Restaurant in Castro Valley. The program will be on "Preventing Workplace Injuries" by Ivy M. Silva, RN, BSN, Employee Occupational Health Nurse, Eden Medical Center. See flyer for further details and directions. Hope to see you there!

FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A closing balance of $12,431.18 as of November 6 was reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri. Submitted for audit.


BYLAWS: The next meeting will be at Sophie Taylorís house November 13, 1800-2000.

MEMBERSHIP: We continue to lose members. Please share your newsletters with your co-workers.

NEWSLETTER: November 23 is the deadline for the next newsletter.

POINTS: Donna Rodgers is coordinating efforts with Donna Benotti and Sophie Taylor to determine points totals for last year.

RESEARCH: Clinical question on tourniquet care was distributed. See newsletter for summary of results.

WAYS & MEANS: Money from greens sale is due today. Please give your orders to Donna Benotti.

SCHOLARSHIP: Raffle packets were distributed to members to sell at their respective facilities. See flyer for prize details. Money will be due at December meeting.

LEGISLATIVE: Recent ORNCC meeting addressed such issues as the nursing shortage and mandatory overtime. See complete report in newsletter.

NEW BUSINESS: Information was shared on an AORN teaching module available through Healthsouth.

PROGRAM: "Lasers in the 21st Century" was presented by Rick Hallagan, PRI Regional Manager, Northern California Division.

RAFFLE: Phyllis Hellwig won a year's membership to AORN in celebration of Perioperative Nurse Week, November 11-17.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1905 by President Sophie Taylor.

Submitted by Donna Rodgers

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Eden Medical Center, Conference Room
October 3, 2001

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1806 by Donna Benotti, Vice President and Presiding Officer.


WAYS & MEANS: Packets were distributed for the annual Christmas greens sale. Orders and money are due at the November meeting and the greens will arrive the first week of December.

SCHOLARSHIP: Tickets for the annual scholarship raffle will be available at the November meeting. The drawing will take place at the December meeting. The committee is seeking prize donations. Notify Susan Sykes with your ideas and/or contributions.

RESEARCH: Please complete form on tonight's clinical question regarding jewelry on patients. Last meeting the question was on warming cabinets. Both queries were submitted by chapter members.

PROGRAM: ïAdvances in Sinus Surgery: Image Guided TechnologyE was presented by Mark Zeme, MD, Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.

MINUTES: The minutes of the September chapter meeting, recorded by President Sophie Taylor, were unavailable due to her absence tonight.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A closing balance of $12,528.13 was reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Date of the workshop on "Wound Closure" has been changed to January 19, 2002, from 0800-1200 at Eden Hospital.

NEW BUSINESS: There will be an ORNCC meeting Saturday, October 6, from 1000-1500, at the Marriott Courtyard in Oakland.
The newsletter will be coming out any day now. Funding is needed in the form of sponsors or advertisers. Suggestions welcome.
The November chapter meeting will be on "Lasers in the 21st Century" by Rick Hallagan, PRI Regional Manager, Northern California Division. Don't miss it!
Remember, greens orders and money will be due then. Also, the evening's raffle will be for a year long free AORN membership, but you must be present to win.
Perioperative Nurse Week is coming up November 11-17, 2001. Make plans to celebrate at your facility!

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1925 by Vice President Donna Benotti.

By Donna G. Rodgers

AORN of Alameda County
Monthly Chapter Meeting
Eden Medical Center
September 5, 2001

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1800 by President Sophie Taylor.

* Vacant positions are Scholarship and Tellers Committee. Susan Sykes will co-chair scholarship if another responsible member helps fill the position.
* Employee representatives are needed to post newsletters and monthly meeting flyers at their facilities.
* Budgets for Membership, Legislative, and Project Alpha are needed.


Treasurerís Report/Financial Statement: A closing balance of $12,573.61 as of September 4, 2001 was reported by Treasurer Ann Ceasri. Submitted for audit.

Bylaws: A meeting at Sophie Taylorís house is canceled for September 11.

Education/Program: A workshop on wound closure will be held November 10, 2001 at Eden Hospital.

Legislative: The next ORNCC meeting will be in Oakland October 6.

Research: Kathie Shea talked about the vendor packet and how it can be used in each individual facility.

Ways and Means: Selling Christmas greens this year.

PRESENTATION: 18:30-19:30 - Dr. Smallhorne presented her program ïReversing the Effects of Facial Aging.E

ADJOURNMENT: 19:30 - meeting adjourned by President Sophie Taylor.

RAFFLE: Felicia Williams won the facial donated by Dr. Smallhorne.

Submitted by Sophie Taylor

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Chapter Meeting Minutes Archives Page (September 1997 - June 2001)

Updated January 5, 2003

Created January 24, 1998 by Mary Ritchie, RN, CNOR

Association of periOperative Registered Nurses, Alameda County, California

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