You walk into a store and all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, your heart starts racing, everything around you starts looking unreal. You feel you are having a heart attack or going to pass out. If this happens to you more, than that it doesn't, chances are, you are having an Anxiety Disorder. These Panic Attacks can happen anywhere, and if left untreated may develop into Agoraphobia (Fear of Fear). More than 3 Million Americans suffer from Anxiety Disorders, which are highly treatable with medications and/or therapy.
I've created this page to kill some of the stigma that is attached to panic disorder. We are very normal people in different walks of life. We just have a disorder. The person who has it, feels the symtoms are very real. We are not imagining things and can't just snap out of it.
It is hard for anybody, who doesn't suffer to understand, so I'm going try to explain it the best I can. Imagine you cross the street, but didn't see a car thats coming directly at you. Finally you see the car, you know you're going get run over. Do you feel the fear yet? Well that's how people with panic disorder feel in their feared situations. And it can be a normal task to you, but to us PADers, it becomes a daily struggle.