The Hyperlexia Listserver
The hyperlexia listserver is a place to share your own experience and
insights, and to learn from other parents, professionals, and adult hyperlexic
persons. It is a wonderful place for sharing knowledge, supporting each
other, and learning more about hyperlexia.
A listserver is an E-mail list that takes any messages sent to it by
subscribers and E-mails them to all members of the list. Subscribing to the
listserver is easy:
To become part of the listserver, send an E-mail message to:
On the first line of the E-mail message write:
and send the E-mail. You will receive a response, with instructions, from the
listserve asking you to confirm your subscription. Once subscribed, you can
send a message to all the other members of the list by addressing your
E-mail to:
If you decide later to leave the list, you can easily "unsubscribe". Detailed
information and instructions are provided by E-mail to subscribers.
Come join us!
Many thanks to Donna Randell and to Ted Whaley (Ted is the webmaster of
the American Hyperlexia Association website) who are the co-owners of the
hyperlex list.
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