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What is cholesterol? What does it do? How much is too much? What is "bad" cholesterol vs "good" cholesterol? Want to know more ? Then this is just for you!

What is Cholesterol?
It is a type of fat or lipid which is a sterol. These sterols contain multi rings. Our sex hormones testosterone and estrogen, and an active form of Vitamin D called calcitrol all contain cholesterol.

What does it do?

  • It is essential for making sex hormones
  • essential for making calcitrol
  • essential for the cell structure of every cell in our body
  • eEssential for new tissue formation
  • essential to make bile acids needed for digestion of fat.
  • essential for brain development in infants and toddlers
  • It is found in heart, kidney liver and brain reflecting its role in these organs
  • If Cholesterol is so important than why is it a problem?
    Unfortunately or fortunately for us each day our body makes 1000 mg of cholesterol to meet our body's needs. Since our body can make cholesterol it does not need much from our diet!! Now that is not rocket science right? When we go on very low cholesterol diets our body just makes more !! That is why the American Heart Association recommends a "step diet" a gradual decrease in cholesterol,and fat. However we know that diets do not work, as the more you try to lower your cholesterol the more the liver tries to produce. Hence the pharmaceutical industry came up with statins that directly work on the liver to stop the production of cholesterol. But we now know that inhibiting the production of cholesterol and decreasing the level of cholesterol does not prevent death due to heart disease. Dr. Rath has shown that cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease. Chronic deficiency of specific nutrients that are needed to maintain the blood vessel wall stability and integrity is the root cause of cardiovacular diseases. The heart and its blood vessels form an extensive network that can run 2 1/2 times around our earth at the equator. But the blockage occurs mainly in the coronary artery. Why is this? The answer is simple. The coronary artery undergoes tremendous stress much like a garden hose pipe that wears out at specific pressure points. To fill up this wear and tear in the coronary artery the liver is instructed to produce sticky substances like cholesterol that act as a cementing agent to the damaged, cracked arterial cell wall. Since cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease lowering cholesterol has not worked to prevent heart diseases which is stil the number one killer of both men and women in the US. Dr. Rath and his scientists have shown that optimal supplemenation with specific nutrients like vitamin C lysine and proline help to strengthen the arterial cell wall and decrease cholesterol. Dr. Rath and Dr. Niedzweicke using an ultafast computed tomography have shown that the plaque formation can be reversed using natural nutrients. You can read more about Dr. Rath's breakthrough research at

    What is "good" and "bad" cholesterol? When you get your choesterol test at the Doctor's office they generally measure your HDL& LDL and Total Cholesterol. The total cholesterol should be kept below 200mg/dl to prevent against heart disease. The (LDL)low density lipoprotein (fat with protein) is called the "bad" cholesterol so you want to keep this value as low as possible. It should be kept below for heart health. The(HDL)high density cholesterol should be as high as possible. This gives protection against heart disease.A HDL of more than 35 mg/dl is good for your heart. Now that we know what is LDL(bad) and HDL (good) cholesterol how do lower the first and raise the second?

    Sources of Cholesterol? All animal foods contain cholesterol. Milk and milk products, meat and meat products, fish,sea food, chicken, and eggs.Do you want to know the cholesterol content of these foods?

    Don't forget that our liver makes cholesterol! If someone tels you that peanut butter, vegetable oils do not contain cholesterol, they are telling you the truth. However if you eat a lot of peanut butter remember it is not heart healthy!!