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News In Nutrition... In a 14 year old study of more than 45,000 men researchers found that the intake of unsaturated fat prevented formation of gallstones. This study was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine October 5th issue. Chung-Jyi Tsai, the lead author says that alcohol, obesity, smoking and physical activity also have an affect, but unsaturated fat intake is independently related to formation of gallstones.There are several ways that unsaturated fats can affect gallstone formation. At the cellular level an increase in the amount of unstaurated fat may help to sensitize the hormone insulin thereby reducing the formation of gallstones. Tobacco cessation can decrease deaths by half...for more read on Did I hear that right?.. Virus causes obesity..? A new study from the University of Wisconsin, Madison found that mice and chicken infected with a "human virus" put on much more fat than mice and chicken not infected with the virus. They also found that 20-30%of overweight humans also had this virus, as compared to 5% of lean humans. So what does this mean... is a great question!. For now 70-80% of overweight cannot blame their weight on the virus..For a large majority of us balancing what we eat with how much work we do is still the yardstick by which to prevent obesity/or overweight. Want to read more...
Women are smitten by love and the heart...
45% of women (39% men) die due to cardiovasular diseases.More women die of cardiovascular disease than breast cancer!!. What are the risk factors:
  • smoking: Women aged 30-44 years who smoke 3 packs/day have ten times the risk of heart disease compared to nonsmokers.
  • The risk of cardiovascular disease is higher in women using birth control pills.
    The combination of pill and smoking increases the risk
  • Diabetes
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Lack of exercise.(source: Women's Health Initiative study supported by the National Institutes Of Health).
  • In men prostate cancer is the most common cancer (excluding skin caner). It is estimated that in 2000 180,400 new cases will be diagnosed in the US.
    Risk factors for prostate cancer include:
  • high level of male hormones(?)
  • age
  • race
  • nationality
  • diet
  • physical activity & diet
  • family history. African Americans are twice as likely to develop prostate cancer.
    Get tested and get educated.Want to know more....
  • Children love to drink anything that is cold or frozen.. can they have as many soda pops,or colas? Watch out for these soft drinks. Read the food labels on each of them. Majority of the soft drinks have around 110-120 calories, almost all come from sugars! High intake of sugar causes sugar highs and your hormone insulin to go up.(insulin helps to transport the glucose {sugar} into the cell).5 soft drinks/day give 550 calories. Now you know why children put on weight so easily even if they are physically active!! Give them
  • refrigerated fruits
  • milkshakes with fruits or
  • 2-3 servings of 100% juice
  • plenty of water.
    If they don't drink now they will probably never do so later in life!!
  • Nutrition trivia: Fruits and Vegetables are mainly water, minerals and vitamins, and are low in calories.

    Breast feeding for 2 years lowers the risk of breast cancer by half! read the latest... HEALTH