Community Dev. Options
Emp. Works!
Voc Rehab SDSD

Task Force

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History since Kick Off Event

Building community consensus to adopt the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Model of Supported Employment to improve employment opportunities for consumers of mental health services in Josephine County.

Background: For most people in our culture work is a major determinant of both emotional and economic well being. In
addition to providing the financial resources to attain a desired lifestyle, work is also a place to spend one's time, make social
contacts and participate in activities which allow one to feel connected to the life of the community. It is a source of self esteem
and provides purpose and meaning to our lives. However, for a significant segment of the population, adults with severe and
persistent mental illness, working in a competitive job is an aspiration that may never be realized. Most people with a mental
illness say they would like to work but less than 10% of people with mental illness in Josephine County are currently employed
even though they have access to a variety of employment programs. Clearly, we must find ways of increasing the opportunities
for people with mental illness to find and keep jobs.

Recognizing that the current vocational rehabilitation system is not adequately meeting the needs of people with severe and
persistent mental illness, Options for Southern Oregon and Josephine County Mental Health Department, in collaboration with
Senior and Disabled Services Division and Vocational Rehabilitation Division, applied for and received a Basic Action Grant
for Service System Change (SM52440-01) for $102,321 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Project:. The grant will be used to support the adoption of a model supported employment program in Josephine County for
adults with severe and persistent mental illness. This model program, called Individual Placement and Support or IPS for
short, has proven to be highly effective in helping adults with severe and persistent mental illness find and keep competitive
employment in the community. The plan for how to adopt the IPS model locally will be developed through a thorough community consensus building and planning process. The consensus process will seek the involvement of all community
members who will be a part of or affected by the IPS program. Experts in the IPS model will be available to educate the
community and professional facilitators will guide the consensus building and planning process.

IPS Model: The IPS model of supported employment is a synthesis of components and philosophies from a variety of the most successful programs. Originally developed in New Hampshire, IPS programs have been started in more than 12 sites around the country. IPS is based on six core principles.

  1. Competitive employment is the goal
  2. Rapid job search
  3. Mental health and vocational rehabilitation services are integrated
  4. Consumer preferences are respected
  5. Assessment is continuous and comprehensive
  6. Support is time-unlimited
Extensive research has consistently shown that the IPS model is capable of finding employment for up to 60% of people with severe and persistent mental illness.
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