Dog-house in the Net

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Olá !




Hi !

Em português




My name is Bobby Lee

I'm a big, healthy dog, I love my masters and everyone says I'm smart and pretty (and they're right, as you can see).

They also say I have bad temper, but that's not true.  I just have a strong personality.


I can do lots of things:  salute, sit, lay down, take things out or inside, kissing (licking).

I know lots of words, as: ball, ring, bone, biscuit, eat, bye, take a walk, outside, parakeets, here (all in Portuguese, of course), etc..


Merry Christmas !


My masters

My masters' food


Walk outside














Bark to everyone

Play with my masters

Pick bones


Am I pretty or what?



I was born in 1994, at a small farm, near Sintra, and I lived there with my family until I was one month old.


My mother was named Eliza - she was a nice and clever she-dog, who loved to bite mailmen.


My mother Eliza

I never knew my father's name, but he was noble - a black Labrador.

As I never met him, I was raised with an adoptive father, named Rafeiro, and some brothers, among them Rover Lee.


My adoptive father Rafeiro

My brother Rover Lee


One day, my mother's Mistress wrapped me in a blanket and went looking for a Master for me, because we were quite a number at home already and,   I figured, dog food is very expensive.


Stop!  That tickles!


I did not understand anything at all.  I just knew I wanted my mother and it was cold.  It was January.

After a car trip, we stopped near a house and knocked.  A big man, who I already had seen at the farm, opened the door and immediately said.  "I don't want the dog around!"  My mother's mistress said:  "How can you let him go?  Just look at his face!"

Then, I made the most unhappy look I could and... you know what?  I worked!  The big man said:  "All right, He can stay for the night, but tomorrow I want him away."

Of course, thanks to my irresistible charm, that tomorrow never came.

In the meanwhile I have a most precious help.   The big man's daughter came and said she would like me to stay.

She adored me.  She took me in her car (even after I peed a number of times in the car), she gave me biscuits, she would carry me up the stairs...


Boy! Am I tired!
Me and my Mistress at Gincho beach Well, she also took me to the doctor and gave me baths, but the rest compensated me.
And so, I stayed until today.


I'll trade it for a biscuit Ain't it good to have a master?

Some say I'm spoilt. Does it show?

The big man today is my beloved master, father of my mistress.

Do you like my white stockings?

How do you do?


For year 2000, I wish every pet get good masters as I did and that there will be no more abandoned animals.


Please come back and, if you will, write to me:

(I got the Ramos from my masters - Hi, Hi, Hi!)

I promise to answer.



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