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TITAN MEDICAL C.C. provides a complete and holistic medical service throughout Industry, Commerce, Mining, Hospitals, Clinics, Emergency Services, and Private Practitioners as well as Distributors all over South Africa. We operate primarily as specialist consultants / suppliers acting in the interests of both the client and the manufacturers.
Factory Kits | Office Kits | Sports Kits | Motorist/Domestic | Moon Bags |
Keyring Pouches | Burnshield | Malaria | Consumables | Contents table |
Complete Range
Advanced Life Support
Regulation 3 Factory KitNylon Carry BagOccupational Health & Safety Act
Regulation 3 Factory KitWall Mount BoxOccupational Health & Safety Act
Motorist / Domestic
Burnshield Range
Keyring PouchesCPR Mouth Piece, Latex Gloves, ABC CPR Instruction
[Top of Page] [Consultancy] [IndustroMed] [Mobile Clinics]
Our extensive range of standard First Aid Kits encompass the following:
ConsumablesAlso under the heading of first aid equipment, is a full range of consumables from first aid refills right through to full blown first aid rooms including medicine cabinets, examination couches, blood pressure monitors, surgical instruments etc.
MalariaIn addition to the above we also provide the service of infectious diseases control, such as Malaria, in its entirety, from the supply of spray's for the environment, spray equipment, personal protection in the form of lotion's, repellents and mosquito nets up to and including malaria tests, and First Aid training (Dept. approved)
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