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This is Sarah-Pie

What a Flirt!

Sarah's Seven - What a Flirt! We're on the train on our way into Boston for a ride on the Swan Boats, June 30, 2003.

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Sarah at Four - Miss Blue Eyes

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Sarah At Three - Guaranteed to Make You Smile

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Sarah would tell you that
"a Heart means I Love You"

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Mor-Mor and Mor-Far
Love to Help Sarah Learn

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Sarah Rode the Merry Go Round at the 1998 Vancouver International Dragon Boat Festival
This is the dress Sarah wore to Andrea Bocelli's concert in Vancouver.  Andrea's her very favorite singer, but she also likes Enya and Barney.
Sarah's favorite movies are:

The Princess Bride

Mary Poppamuss (Mary Poppins)

Winnie the Pooh

The Little Mermaid

The Sound of Music

Free Willie

Toy Story

Sarah's favorite books are by Robert Munsch, especially the Fart Book.  (Yes.)
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Sarah's "most very favorite people" are her Mommy and Daddy.

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(Updated 2/18/2000)

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