Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join 

Name :   Roberta Decker
Email Address: :
Date: :   March 15, 2004
Comment: :   Would like contact with others with this problem. Affects my feet,legs and hands. Feel lost! Am I the only one who feels this way?
Comment 2 :   Feel conpletely helpless when it comes to explaining to my husband how I feel. Hes been to the Dr. with me but still cant believe how I feel.
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Name :   Georgia Dvorak
Email Address: :
Date: :   1/4/04
Comment: :   Need help. Just moved here. Need doc & meds. Losing sleep but have chronic headaches which means must sleep. Help!
Comment 2 :   I was diagnosed with this horrid problem just before I left WI in July. What do I do? Where do I go?
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Name :   Linda McFarland
Email Address: :   
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Name :   Donald Scharoff
Email Address: :
Date: :   Dec. 27, 2003
Comment: :   I was diagnosed with CIDP 3 1/2 years ago. At the time I couldnt walk, stand, or perform many of the normal functional movements and had to use a walker. My good fortune was to have been placed in the care of Norman Latov who has orchestrated my treatment
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Name :   june
Email Address: :
Date: :   12/17/03
Comment: :   i was told that i have PN and Cervical Ridiculopathy. However, the inflamation is so severe and the severe, they are testing for polyinflamatory myleopathy. I am new to all this, and may not have correct terms, etc. this is my lst e-mail. I need informati
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Name :   Ronda Pullen
Email Address: :
Date: :   October 27, 2003
Comment: :   Thanks for directing me here, Jo Nell! Like you, Ive dealt with PN from the 70s. I had all but given up trying more doctors, and meds. Im so glad I found the website for the NY Neuropathy Association, too. Youre right -- faith has played an important part
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Name :   john aragon
Email Address: :
Date: :   10/3/03
Comment: :   Thank you for the relevant information regarding PN.
Name :   Nona Evans
Email Address: :
Date: :   10-02-03
Comment: :   I, for one, really appreciate what you are doing, even tho you are hurting just like the rest of us and probably more than most. I will learn from your newsletters for sure. God Bless!
Name :   Linda McFarland
Email Address: :   
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Name :   Julia Godeke
Email Address: :
Date: :   7/21/03
Comment: :   I was diagnosed with PN about 5 yrs ago. I was told nothing could be done. I have never taken drugs for pain but found that drinking water relieved the pain and discomfort in my legs. I have now progressed past the intense pain but now worry what is next?
Name :   Annette in AR
Email Address: :   
Date: :   7/6/03
Comment: :   I gound this site quite informative. I appreciate the web and what it has to offer the general public. I also commend the people dedicated to helping others. Thank you
Name :   Jo Nell Wilder
Email Address: :
Date: :   June 15,2003
Comment: :   Welcome to all PNers or Care Givers. We have started up our Guestbook again. As before, you are welcome to email other Signers to Chat. Staying in contact keeps us from feeling so alone with this disease. I will be adding a link to our Website about copin
Name :   Clark Peterson
Email Address: :
Date: :   12-5-02
Comment: :   Is disability a consideration for PN and is there any advise.
Name :   Virginia
Email Address: :
Date: :   11/20/02
Comment: :   My husband has Peripheral Neuropathy. I need to chat with other spouses. What to expect.
Name :   ellen karlson
Email Address: :
Date: :   11/12/02
Comment: :   have had numb toes X 2 yrs.; recently sl. balance changes. 2 EMG's were inconclusive; am getting frightened; what tests should I ask for?
Name :   Margaret Keefer
Email Address: :
Date: :   Nov 2 02
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Name :   Arlan B.Starmer
Email Address: :
Date: :   09-28-02
Comment: :   Would like to know where the most research is being done on PN. Presently going to OHSU in Portland Or. Thanks
Name :   Charles Martin
Email Address: :
Date: :   Sept 25 02
Comment: :   I injoyed reading your web site. It gave me hope.Thank you C.M.
Name :   Tony Cupit
Email Address: :
Date: :   Sept 20/02
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Name :   Linda Ditemore
Email Address: :
Date: :   9/18/02
Comment: :   Researching Peripheral Neuropathy,all information helpful,thank you for the website.
Name :   Linda Ditemore
Email Address: :
Date: :   9/18/02
Comment: :   Researching Peripheral Neuropathy,all information helpful,thank you for the website.
Email Address: :   LOUHAMP@SWBELL.NET
Date: :   09-11-02
Name :   Karin
Email Address: :
Date: :   9/11 2002
Comment: :   PN is certainly no fun. Have had numb toes for years and now its "crawling"up my legs. Nights are bad. Restless legs and pain.
Name :   Nancy
Email Address: :
Date: :   9/4/2002
Comment: :   My major pain is in my arm,neck, & shoulders. Have I been diagnosed wrong?
Name :   Nancy
Email Address: :   nancym
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Name :   Jan Shifflett
Email Address: :
Date: :   8/15/02
Comment: :   I have just been diagonosed with pn and would appreciate any ideas others may have to offer. THANKS!
Name :   JanShifflett
Email Address: :   
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Name :   Jo
Email Address: :
Date: :   8/6/2002
Comment: :   Hi Jan, I couldn't reply to your Guestbook comment via this email: Is there another one available? Jo
Name :   Jan Kiel
Email Address: :
Date: :   8-5-02
Comment: :   I have ideopathic peripheral neuropathy, with fatigue, pain, nausea and dizziness. Anyone?
Name :   JOHN
Email Address: :
Date: :   7/26/02
Comment: :   good news to find a page that answers all of my questions.most people don't no anything about the illnes...thankyou so much..
Name :   Mary Anne Phillips
Email Address: :
Date: :   July 24, 2002
Comment: :   I have been diagnosed with "idopathic peripheral neuropathy" and am looking for a support group to whom I can correspond. I feel kind of alone! I live in a small Mountain community if Southern Calif. I hope to join an e-support group. Thankyou, Mary Anne
Name :   Joe F. Blakeney
Email Address: :
Date: :   July 24, 2002
Comment: :   I am just beginning to research how I may get help for my PN.
Name :   Donnie Adams
Email Address: :
Date: :   07-24-02
Comment: :   Have been diagnosed with PN. Am on medication that helps tremendously. Couldn't function without it.
Name :   Barbara
Email Address: :
Date: :   7.15.02
Comment: :   Have numbness in face, both cheeks and nose and it continues to spread, also fingers and toes. No pain! Anybody out there with similar symptoms?
Name :   Faye Bausch
Email Address: :
Date: :   07-10-2002
Comment: :   I'm trying to research how to treat this and pass information on to my family doctor.
Name :   Brenda
Email Address: :
Date: :   7/10/02
Comment: :   diagnosed with PN recently, over- weight and out of shape, want to learn more about self help..can i stop this thing from getting worse?
Name :   Jerry Olson
Email Address: :
Date: :   7-9-02
Comment: :   PN is not fun! Pain and numbness and funny walking w/weak legs. Dr's say I'm too late for help as they discovered I've been walking around for years w/diabetes. It really feels weird not being able to feel the gas peddle or the steering wheel. I almost fe
Name :   Cindy Doll
Email Address: :
Date: :   7-July-2002
Comment: :   Have had PN for 2 years,tried many treatments some relief. Plasmapheresis, IVig next.
Name :   Karen McGraw
Email Address: :
Date: :   07-05-02
Comment: :   Living alone with PN is difficult. Just found your site. Keep up the good work.
Name :   cleo angeletta
Email Address: :
Date: :   7/4/2002
Comment: :   i'm delighted to find that there is some sort of support out there .i've been living with this for 1 year now and not one out of the 6 doctors i've been to can help me .now i can go to them and mention this to them and maybe get some relief.thanks a milli
Name :   diane guetzke
Email Address: :
Date: :   6/18/02
Comment: :   i have neuropathy and have been told by multiple doctors nothing can be done the pain is unbearable
Name :   Phil Little
Email Address: :
Date: :   June 13 2002
Comment: :   referred to this site by Jo .. I did not know about this before but I will have some friends who are in medicine look at it for their information. best wishes
Name :   Mike
Email Address: :
Date: :   6/4/02
Comment: :   Have had peripheral neuropathy in the arms for over two years. After numerous injections, neuropathy, physical therapy and rest, arms starting to feel better but feet now burning and in pain. Looking for help.
Name :   D. Jones
Email Address: :
Date: :   5/14/02
Comment: :   Thank you for the encouragement found on this site. This PN is new to me, but I realize others have suffered a long time. God bless you, and I'll visit often, from SC.
Name :   mike davenport
Email Address: :
Date: :   5/ 6/ 02
Comment: :   i was diagnoised with poly neuropothy 2 years ago. i have had back surgery gone through physical therapy tried all different kinds of drugs with no relief. it started in my legs and feet and recently i have noticed i am hzving problems with my arms. i am
Name :   James Linville
Email Address: :
Date: :   6 May 2002
Comment: :   I have type 2 diabetes. It is under control. PN getting better now. Take whole leaf stevia extract, gingko biloba, vitamin E, B complex, vitamin C, Evening Primrose oil... no meds!
Name :   Martha L. Conway
Email Address: :
Date: :   May 3, 2002
Comment: :   Thank You for helping me know I'm not crazy and that all this weird pain is really there and not just in my head.
Name :   Mary Lynch
Email Address: :
Date: :   4-29-2002
Comment: :   Have PN for 4 years. Started having severe ankle and feet cramps? Is there help?
Name :   kellie rountree
Email Address: :
Date: :   4/17/02
Comment: :   Hi. I am diabetic T2 on insulin pump. I've had stabbing pains on&off for years. Recently (past two weeks) developed severe peripheral pain (hypersensitivity to touch, weakness, burning). Discovered triglycerides near 2000! Last Hg1AC was 7.2. Recently los
Name :   Judy Duet
Email Address: :
Date: :   2/25/02
Comment: :   I have neuropathy. I am in pain. I don't know how to deal with the pain. I take several drugs for the pain but they don't take it all away. I would be be horrified to not take them in case they are taking a lot of pain away and what I am feeling now is on
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