"I really don't know why it is that all of us are so committed to the sea, except I think it's because in addition to the fact that the sea changes, and the light changes, and ships change, it's because we all came from the sea. And it is an interesting biological fact that all of us have, in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea--whether it is to sail or to watch it--we are going back from whence we came."
President John F. Kennedy
Sept. 14, 1962
We grieve yet another young life.. A life taken too soon.. and we wonder why.. Why Lord do you take them so young?
I believe that God's answer would be.. I want a garden that continues to bloom.. From a seedling to a withered Rose.
We grieve yet another life that was cut too short.. A chance at hope for the future.. A sweet prince with a smile to melt your heart.. and we wonder why. Why Lord do you take them, before their years are old?
I believe that God's Answer would be.. I need some smiles to melt my heart, as they do on earth.
We grieve a marriage, full of life where both lives are cut short.. Why Lord would you take them both? Our pain just seems so great.
I believe God's answer would be.. In heaven they are hand in hand.. Never shall they part.. Soulmates to continue Love.. My plan's a work of art.. You will see them once again, but for now they are protected Caressed within my arms of Love, away from wars and hatred.
Sonja Davis 1999
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![jkgold](jkgold.jpg) John F Kennedy, Jr. 38
![carolynsilvr](carolynsilvr.jpg) Carolyn Bessette Kennedy 33
![laurensilvr](laurensilvr.jpg) Lauren Bessette 34
A Marriage in Heaven
Wed In Life-Wed In Death
Cumberland Island , off the Geogia coast, John and Carolyn stole way. To be joined together,secretly- It was their wedding day.
The couple stood there blissfully, Gazing in each others eyes, As they spoke their vows in reverence Giving each other, their lives.
To be joined as one, they promised. Through sickness and never part. For each felt the others undying love Deep within their heart.
As the minister spoke these last words, "Til death do you part", Noone could know how soon that day Would tear the world apart.
The famous couple returned home. Their new life to begin. Not dreaming what fate had in store, Of what tragedy awaited them.
Then, on that terrible July day, Disaster struck once more. To a family who only knew too well, The grief, fate has in store.
As he flew his little Piper plane, Carrying his sister-in-law and wife- Little did they realize This would be their end of life.
Now, as the ministers words echo From that wonndrous wedding day. "Until death do you part---"I do", But was not meant to be that way.
For their love beat that promise, No parting them even then, For they left this life together, And together will live again...
Written and copyright by Clara Scarberry July 25, 1999 written for this site
I Want You To Know by Angela
A brief moment of darkness was all that I knew, before Heaven's Gate came into my view.
Loved ones and friends I had missed for many years, welcomed me with open arms and many happy tears.
All the hurt, fear and pain that I have ever known, is gone from my life, I am finally home.
I gazed upon the Lord's sweet smiling face, and for the first time in my life I knew and felt His grace.
I know that you miss me, but please dry your eyes. I will always be watching and loving you from my home in the sky.
A cool breeze on your face, a touch of light rain, I will send as a reminder that we will be reunited again.
Life on earth is but one brief moment in time, I am finally home, Eternity is mine.
The images used to make these graphics belong to ABC and CNN news, they hold the copyright to the original images, my copyright is for my own work, layout and design..
Graphics & Design copyright 1999 Sonja's Designs