Did you ever stop to think that we live at the bottom of an ocean of air that surrounds the earth? We could live a few weeks without food and a few days without water, but how long do you think we would live if we had no air?
In 1 or 2 minutes we would all become unconscious and within 5 or 6 minutes we would all be dead. We need a constant supply of pure air into our bodies to keep our blood pure and healthy, to soothe our nervous system and fill our lungs and keep our voices speaking clearly.
The first thing a baby needs when it is first born is to breathe air. Air is "life" to a new born babe and that air is essential to that little one right through life. Children should run and play in the fresh air every day if possible. This will help them to be more cheerful, healthy and happy.
Pure, fresh air gives a good appetite, helps improve the blood flow, purifies the blood, refreshes the body, helps digestion of food, helps us sleep soundly and also helps to heal the sick.
Our homes should be kept clean as well as being well ventilated with fresh air. Curtains and drapes should be well open to allow sunshine and air to fill the rooms with life giving elements. We should also sleep with our windows open at night where possible. The fresh air will help our sleep to be more relaxed and restful.
If there are sick in the home, the room should not be shut up for them to breathe the same air over and over again. The oxygen in the fresh air will help bring a quicker recovery, helping the blood to cleanse and purify, resulting in greater strength and health - sooner.
There is a kind of air that can energise and relax the mind and body within minutes. It is found near waterfalls, in forests, at the beach and after a rain storm. However, there is another kind of air that can bring on anxiety, depression and even suicidal feelings.
Air contains positively and negatively charged molecules called ions. these ions become electrically charged as a result of gaining or losing an electron. Air containing an abundance of negative ions is refreshing, as found in the bush, [woods], or by rivers, lakes, waterfalls and at the beach. On the other hand, air containing mostly positive ions as found in city centres, airports, poorly ventilated rooms and on crowded motorways, [freeways], is associated with headaches, anxiety, insomnia and depression.
The blend of exercise and fresh air are important, as good active exercise increases the demand for fresh air and we naturally breathe more deeply.
Take time out of the busy day to take a walk in the bush or some other quiet place and do some deep breathing. It will not only lift your chest, but lift your day.
AIR by Milton Wainwright
Your body needs more food every 5-6 hours while you are awake, and it needs more water every 2-3 hours while you are awake, but it needs more air every 10-15 seconds around the clock!
Your respiratory system is very important to you and must be kept clean if you are to enjoy glowing health. Since all air contains foreign matter - dust, pollens, germs, and viruses, etc, your lungs and airways have been skillfully designed with a 4 stage system to clean the air you breathe and to keep your lungs clean.
The first stage is a filter of special hairs in each nostril. These hairs are moist with a thin mucous that traps any solid matter that contacts them.
However, to make breathing easy these filters of hair are not very dense. To capture foreign matter that may get through them you have the second stage a "hairpin bend." Starting at your nostrils your airway rises steeply for a short distance and then takes a hairpin bend to descend to your lungs. When you inhale a normal breath the air (and the foreign matter in it) is travelling at about 50mph. Like a speeding car going into a corner too fast, the foreign matter "crashes" into the outside of the corner where it is trapped by the mucous lining.
Under normal conditions, very little foreign matter would be left in the air as it leaves stage 2 and descends into your lungs, but your Maker was working with great love when he designed you and He wasn't taking any chances of losing you through a failure of your respiratory system. Since He knows everything, He knew ahead-of-time about pollution and tobacco. So He designed your third stage. Mucous is perfect for trapping fine particles of solid matter and so He built in mucous-producing cells all along the airways and in the tiny air sacs that make up your lungs. Then He fifted you with the original conveyor system - tiny muscular hairs standing so close together that the mucous film is supported on their tips. These hairs, called "cilia," are synchronised to flick about 12 times a second toward the outside so that they move the film of mucous, like an endless conveyor, carrying all unwanted matter out of the lungs.
Under normal circumstances that would certainly take care of everything and keep your lungs perfectly clean. But the poisons in tobacco smoke paralyse the cilia and at the same time the extra foreign matter (in the smoke) causes the lungs to make extra mucous. This would soon cause death by drowning and your loving Heavenly Father couldn't accept that. So He gave you a 4th stage. Scattered all through your lungs He built in sensors to monitor the amount of mucous present. If, for any reason, the cilia aren't doing a perfectly satisfactory job and too much mucous is accumulating these sensors trigger the coughing mechanism which causes the air to be expelled from the lungs, not at 50mph, but at 750mph! This fierce gale rips the mucous away and removes it from the lungs. This removes the threat of imminent death and gives you the chance to learn and adopt a better lifestyle - one that will preserve and promote your health.
We all know that the air we breathe contains oxygen (21 %) but the oxygen can carry negative charges or positive. Sunshine and water work together to produce negative ions which attach to the oxygen molecules. When we breathe them we receive extra energy and feel fresher and brighter, our health is improved and our immune system is stronger.
Several times a day we should pause and take several deep breaths of open air. (Buildings and heating or air conditioning units remove the negative ions, so go where you can get fresh outdoor air).
Do your best to get a good walk every day. The exercise helps you breathe deeply and also helps to circulate your oxygen-rich blood to every part of your body - a wonderful boost to a feeling of health and well-being.
AIR by Thomas Jackson
We must go out into the open air and breathe deeply in order to equalize the circulation of blood and provide every cell with its proper share of oxygen. When we breathe properly the stomach should go out as we inhale and then return to its former position as we exhale.
Observing a newborn, it will be noticed that God has instilled in them proper breathing techniques. These habits change as the child grows older and begins to wear tight clothing around the waist which restricts the breathing process. We should wear loose fitting clothing especially around the waist, and the weight of our clothing should be suspended from the shoulders instead of the waist. Wearing suspenders is much more healthy than wearing belts.
Most people do not breathe deeply enough and as a result, the chest goes out when they inhale and relaxes when they exhale. When the breathing is shallow, only the upper part of the lungs are being used, allowing wastes to build up in the lower part of the lungs.
Deep breathing takes practice and the following exercise should be done three times a day:
Inhale as deeply as possible and hold to a count of twenty. Exhale slowly. Wait ten seconds before inhaling again. Repeat this exercise twenty times in the morning, at noon, and in the evening.
We cannot be in the open air all the time, but we should always keep some windows cracked in our homes and work places even in winter so that a constant supply of fresh air is received by the body. While sleeping, it is still important to have fresh air. We should not sleep under a draft, but we can still open at least two windows in the house at least one to two inches high to receive some cross ventilation. Open Air is an indispensable ingredient in recovery from [any disease].
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter." Eccl. 12:13
Open Air supplies the body with oxygen and negative ions. Oxygen accelerates healing, detoxifies the body, and provides energy for repair and rebuilding. Negative ions help the immune system to destroy poisonous gerins and bacteria and have a tonic affect on the body.