The key to the basic eight natural doctors of health is a well balanced, common sense outlook on life.

We need to have a complete health programme and although we can make choices to follow the healthy lifestyle, we still have weaknesses that often end up in us falling so many times, right back to where we have to start all over again.  We need to come to realise that we do have weaknesses and if only we had something or someone to lean on to give strength through our problems and give us the power to overcome the fall downs.  Certainly we do have friends that we can talk to for encouragement, but we need to remember that every one of us are in this together and all are struggling with weak areas together.

There is One with power that we can lean on, One who is interested in our health.  Many a person for ages past, have found good health, physical, mental and spiritual when they realise the struggle is ending in hopelessness and cry out for help.  That power comes from the One and only Creator of the Universe, also the One whose interest is right down to each and every individual's personal health.  The well proven pages of the Scriptures, that have stood the test of time, bring out good healthy principles.  "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth". 3 John 2.

Now, one may reason that this old stuff is for the centuries past and turn away, but we need to stop and think awhile.  Doctors and modern science are finding in research that good health is more than just physical and mental, but adding the dimension of spiritual health as well.  The facts and figures that are coming out from research now are amazing as they are lining up with exactly the Scriptural principles.  If we will keep to the eight doctors laid out in this website for us all, we will have more vibrant health.

A good diet allows us to think more clearly.  A clear mind helps us to make good choices and to have clear spiritual, pure thoughts.  Good pure minds keep the body in trim, completing the circle of wanting good Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest and will increase our Trust in Divine power.

Yes - try a NEWSTART today - and everyday will start off with a NEWSTART and as the pattern develops, old ways will quickly drop off as the mind and body enjoy increased good health.

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest".  Matt. 11:28


by Thomas Jackson

We desire to do better.  We know we must do better.  We even try to do better.  But all our efforts are as ropes of sand that break with the slightest resistance.  We cannot seem to stop eating that ice cream that contains refined sugar.  We cannot seem to resist that sirloin steak high in fats and cholesterol.

Multitudes long for a better life, but they lack couragge and resolution to break away from the power of habit.  They shrink from the effort, struggle and sacrifice demanded, and their lives are wrecked and ruined.  But there is hope.


First we must acknowledge that we cannot do it by ourselves.  Despite our repeated failures, this is perhaps the hardest step.  We all like to believe we can do it by ourselves, that we don't need any help.  But we need a Power above and beyond ourselves in order to change our life-style and live a healthy, happy life.  And that power is Christ Jesus.

When we realize we cannot do it ourselves, we can then go to Christ for help.  He will supply the power because He has promised to do so in Matthew 28:18, "All power is given unto me in Heaven and in earth."  Indeed, your very desire to change is proof that He is ready and willing and wanting and able to provide you with all the power to change, "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure." (Philippians 2:13)

Next, we must trust God that He will do what He says.  This is faith, and "without faith it is impossible to please Him: for He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.". (Hebrews 11:6)

As we trust Him, as we put our faith in Him and not in ourselves, we must then step out in faith and not violate His laws of health.  Jesus gives us strength to do this only one day at a time " thy days, so shall thy strength be." (Deuteronomy 33:25) Although all the power is His, the decision to avail ourselves of His power always remains with us.  As the children of Israel before they entered the earthly Canaan, you must "Choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell [which included the "gods" of feasting, intemperance, and appetite]: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15).  We must choose to serve the Lord if we are to enter the Heavenly Canaan.

A lesson from nature illustrates the power of our Creator God to effect change.

The caterpillar is probably not one of the world's most beautiful creatures, yet the caterpillar has the potential to be transformed into an exquisite butterfly.  The actual term for the transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly is the Greek word metamorphosis.  Paul used this same Greek word which we translate as "transformed" in Romans 12:2: " transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

This transformation starts with an action of the mind, a conscious decision.  Everything depends on Godly thoughts and thinking patterns because they have the ability to transform our habits and actions according to God's Plan "for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7)

We must make a searching and fearless inventory of our habits and life-style, admitting to God and ourselves the exact nature of our wrongs, humbly asking God to remove our shortcomings, being entirely ready for Him to work in us and for us.

Let's look at another important picture from nature that mirrors what happens when we work together with God in following His plan for our health and happiness.  This picture is of something that happens in every cell in our body.

Imagine a typical cell in our body by thinking of a circle.  Attached to the outside of this circle are a number of receptor points.  Floating around near the cell are hormones and enzymes that have indentations that exactly fit the shape of the receptor points.  When a hormone or enzyme grasps hold of a receptor point, it has a special ability to stimulate a cell's activity This stimulation is called "positive cooperativety".

When we cooperate with God by receiving His power, our bodies and minds are stimulated to activity in following His health laws.  When the temptation comes to eat or do anything that will violate the laws of God, we must pray and ask God for the power to resist.  And then, knowing that He has heard and answered our petitions, we must walk away.  We must push away that plate of dainties.  We must honor God by removing ourselves from the temptation as far and as often as possible.  Once we do this, it becomes easier for us to repeat this action.

Through prayer and meditation on God's Word, we improve our conscious contact with Him.  Thus we are better able to understand His will for us and can avail ourselves of the power which He so freely offers us.

In all this, and through this, we will learn to love the Lord and love Him more.  God has promised, "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."(2 Peter 1:4, emphasis added) And what is the divine nature but a nature of divine love, for "God is love" (see I John 4:18, 19).

Loving obedience to God's laws of health results in the restoration of a measure of health for a better life here and a preparation for eternal life with Him forever.  Although all the power is God's, the decision to use it lies with us.  The miracle is that God's Plan for our lives works.  It may not be fully explained, but it can be fully experienced.

God has pledged Himself to keep this human machinery in healthful action if the human agent will obey His laws and cooperate with God.

by Milton Wainwright

We naturally fear God for we, as mortal beings, know we have done wrong and deserve to be punished.  Many try to put such thoughts from their minds.  This leads to a great deal of subconscious stress which they try to relieve in many hurtful ways - alcohol, drugs, fast life, and so on.

What so few realise is that the God whose law they broke is the God who sent His Son to die in their place to pay the penalty for that broken law.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His
only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
John 3:16

The same God who created roses and orchids especially for us loves us with a matchless love.  If actions can speak, as our God followed His cross up Calvary's hill He was saying to us, "I love you with all My heart.  Eternity is not long enough to forget you!  Eternity is too long without you!  I will die in your place and take away your guilt and condemnation.  I will give you My own righteousness that you may have My own eternal life.  If you will make Me your God, I will give you a home with Me in paradise - forever."

This gives meaning to life.  It gives us hope.  Death is no longer a Black Hole sucking us into oblivion - making our lives meaningless.

And there is more.  God not only has dreams for the future, He has plans for here and now.  He sees your burdened mind, your care and perplexity as you try to navigate life's stormy seas and hidden reefs.

He says to us, "I created you a unique individual with gifts and talents which fit you for a special work that you can do for Me - a work that you can do better than anyone else.  'For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.
They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.'(Jeremiah 29:11 The Living Bible) 'PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU, MY PEACE I GIVE UNTO YOU: NOT AS THE WORLD GIVETH, GIVE I UNTO YOU.  LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED, NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID.' (John 14:27)"

The NEWSTART programme introduces you to the real God who loves you so much that He created all the beauty in the world for you.  He loves you so much that He did not just give you black and white vision.  No!  Nothing less than colour vision with 3D, instant, automatic focus would do for you!  He did not just give you your vitamins and minerals, saying "Eat that and be well." No!  He gift-wrapped them in delicious (non-nutritive) flavours.  He invented banana-flavoured magnesium - for YOU!  He invented orange-flavoured vitamin C, and grape-flavoured iron.  The nutrients, you need.  The flavours, you don't.  Your Creator added them just to show you His love!

You can trust Him with your life starting right here and now.  He will guide you in decision-making; He will open opportunities for you; He will protect you; and He will test and try, refine and polish you - all to prepare you for that eternal home He has planned for you.  Do you see now what He had in mind when He gave you those highly sophisticated built-in systems to maintain your health?  His love cannot accept your death.  He wants nothing less than eternal life and happiness for you - starting the very moment that you surrender your heart to Him, asking Him to forgive you, to give you His righteousness, to put His Spirit within you and to be Lord of your life.

The NEWSTART programme invites you to do this and enter the "more abundant" life.

"He who formed the wonderful structure of the
body will take special care to keep it in order
if men do not work at cross-purposes with Him."
Ellen G White, OFC, pg 30