Welcome to my second update page!
My name is Richard

Playing "The Rose" by Bette Midler

This is my second update page of my life
and what is going on at the present time
(January 29, 2004)

Thanks for coming to this page.
Here we are again 3 ½ years later (January 29, 2004). As I said before my stroke left me with internal damage with no changes. I still cannot feel hot or cold sensations on my right side from chest high down to my toes. My right side still has the burning sensation 24 hours a day from the top of my head to my toes. My energy level is a lot better and I can do more things for a longer duration of time. One reason for this is that I have learned to pace myself when doing physical things and can go for a longer time limit. I still cannot make fast moves because I still have the dizziness when ever I try to make those fast moves. But as before I just still tolerate it.
A lot of things have changed in my life over the last 3 ½ years and since my last update. While living at my sisters I met a wonderful lady on the internet. “Yes I did say the INTERNET”. Her name is Jeanne. We chatted for about 6 months before meeting in person. We met finally at a local place, danced several dances, and had a great time. It all started by her doing a search of the local area on ICQ chat. My Handle was chevyman and she said “hmmm I think I will check this person out”. Come to find out we lived around the corner from each other for the 15 years when I lived at my former house in Penn Valley, California. In between that time I moved to Roseville, California to my apartment. But we still chatted and dated. We got closer during the year I was in Roseville, California. She lived in an apartment in Grass Valley, California. She would visit me in Roseville and I would visit her in Grass Valley. In December of 2001 Jeanne bought a home in Smartville, California near Penn Valley. She asked me if I wanted to cohabitate and of course I said yes. So I moved from Roseville to Smartville. Well the rest is history as the saying goes. We both are adventurous and have visited and traveled to a lot of places. On my picture page #3 is of our travels and us. Recently I purchased a 19’ travel trailer and we look forward to using it.
My son Tim and daughter-in-law Jamie now live in Tempe, Arizona. He is out of the army and trying to make a life there. Plus I am now a grandpa, they had a baby girl November of 2002. She is a little over a year old now.
My stepdaughter Charlene has made a big change in her life also. She is now on her own and living in a new city. She now has a new friend in her life. His name is Jerry. Jeanne and I have met him and think he seems to be a wonderful person. They seem happy together.
To conclude, let me say that I am totally content with my life and where I am. As to any challenges I have encountered in my life it is still the same. I hit it head on and just deal with whatever comes my way.

As always I thank you for taking the time to read my story.

Page #1 My Stroke Story Page

Page #2 My First Update Page
(December 12, 2000)

Page #4 My Third Update Page
(August 19,2006)

My Picture Page #1

My Picture Page #2

My Picture Page #3

My Computer Schooling

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(c) 2000/2007 Richard / chevyman

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