Links: Page 18

        There are a number of sites that are full of helpful articles to help couples who have the tragedy of their baby dying. These are some that I have discovered.

        Being a Co-Founder of SANDS (S.A.) I can highly recommend the immense help and support that is provided by all the SANDS Groups. The reason why these groups are so successful in helping parents who have had a baby die through Miscarriage or Stillbirth is that the support is carried out by people who have been there.

        Bereaved Parents who have been assisted to heal in their Grief over the death of their baby, volunteer to be trained by Professional Educators in Grief Management Skills. After graduating from the Certificated Course, they make application to the SANDS Management Committees for approval to work as Authorised Trained Support Workers.

        There is a Professional Advisory Council as a "Back-up" to the Support Workers should they find any Bereaved Parents is beyond their level of expertese.

        SANDS (SA) Inc.
        PO Box 380
        PARKHOLME 5043
        South Australia.
        Ph (08) 8277 0304

        Pregnancy After Loss: An excellent site for Parents who are contemplating another pregnancy after the death of their baby. I can highly recommend this site by Jane Warland, Midwife and Author. Jane is also a Bereaved Parent and knows what it is like to have "been there."
        You can access this site at:

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        He is MY Baby too! This is my site telling of the death of my baby son Darren through Stillbirth. It also tells of the reactions of Darren's siblings and my own reactions.
        You can access this site at:

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        United States of America:
        Christian Miscarriage Support Group
        Click on the above graphic to access this excellent site.
        The National Stillbirth Society: is working to stamp out S.A.D.S. [Sudden Antenatal Death Syndrome] because our children matter.You can access this site at:

        Still Grieving: is an excellent site designed to assist parents and grandparents with their Grief Work 6 months on from the death of their babies. You can access this site at:

        Oklahoma Angel Bear Program: This program is designed to assist parents suffering the grief of Miscarriage or Stillbirth. You can access this site at:

        HonoredBabies Honored Babies: is a Support organisation dedicated to women who have experienced the death of their babies to miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy termination, stillbirth, neonatal death and/or infant death. You can access this site at:

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