What is a normal period?

Experts generally agree that a "normal" period starts about 28 to 32 days every month. There is no specific normal, exact time to start, but women who begin the period earlier than 24 days or later than 34 days every month may have a hormonal imbalance, which requires medical attention. (though likely NOT life-threatening) A "normal" period also typically lasts 5 to 7 days. Again,for anything shorter or longer than this, medical attention is probably needed. A long period is usually only cause for concern when coupled with:

(Or pain that's excruciating. Extreme malaise, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. occurs.)

These symptoms may indicate a simple hormonal balance, or a more serious period disease/disorder. You should then seek medical advice. For more info:

Menstrual Diseases and Disorders

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