The world is full of problems. The people of this planet are committing mass suicide. They cannot find solution to the problems they have created themselves. Man has polluted the world. In Mexico City alone, 30 000 children die annually from air pollution. Crime is ever increasing, even children commit murders and acts of violence never heard of before. Wars continue, mankind is not capable of living in peace and harmony. Moral standards are all time low. Half of marriages end in divorce. New diseases like AIDS and the flesh eating virus are taking their toll. Hunger is killing millions annually. As the world population is predicted to double in 25-30 years, there will not be enough food for all. Fossil fuel is expected to run out in 20-30 years. But the greatest of all the problems is psychological. People are depressed, bored and unhappy even in prosperous living conditions, which in turn drives them to alcohol, drugs and even to suicide as the only way of escape they can think of. Is there an answer to all of this ? Yes, there is, dear friend. There IS someone who loves you and who cares. Jesus Christ. He has answers to your questions. Won't you come to Christ today ? Will you reject his love ? He offers you joy, peace and prosperity. Listen to HIS promise, full of love and hope for you...
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