Adventist Spiritual Heritage

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Ellen G. White points out parallels between the history of Seventh-Day Adventist Church and ancient Israel. She writes:

A Dual Experience

If this is so, it is obviously important to draw spiritual and historical parallels between ancient Israel and the modern church today. In Revelation 15:3, we read that the overcomers, standing as victors on the sea of glass, sing about this dual experience. It is called "the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb".We know from Revelation 12:11 that "they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb". But what about the song of Moses ? Where does this come in ?

Moses' Song

Since we are all acquainted with the history of the Advent people as well as with the experiences made during the wilderness journey under Moses, let me draw your attention to just a few of the astounding parallel events:

    1. Israel was called out of Egypt

1. The Advents people were called out of spiritual Egypt (Rev. 1:8) or Babylon (Rev. 14:8)

    2. Mighty miracles were performed by God (plagues, Passover) during the deliverance of Israel as sings to His people

2. Mighty sings in nature ushered in the prophetic time of the end: earthquake of Lisbon (1755), sun and moon darkened (1780), falling of the stars (1833)

    3. Israel left Egypt

3.Adventists left fallen churches in 1844

    4. Marah experience tested the people

4. Bitter disappointment in 1844 tested Advent believers

    5. Moses was chosen as a prophet

5. Ellen (Harmon) White was chosen as God's messenger
6. The Commandments were given at Sinai 6. Adventists received light on the law of God in 1848
7.Jehtro proposed organization 7.Seventh-Day Adventist Church was organized in 1863
8.Health laws were given to Israel 8. Health reform was introduced in 1864
9. Two faithful spies who believed God's word were rejected by the people. 9. Elders Waggoner and Jones presented the message of Christ Our Righteousness in 1888; it was not accepted.
10. Revold of Korah, Dathan and Abiram caused anguish in the camp. 10. The Kellogg crisis of 1895-1905 caused great anguish.
11. Moses died before reaching the promised land. 11. Sister White was laid to rest in 1915.
12. Book of Moses' law remained valid for the people (Joshua 1:8) 12. The Testimonies are still valid after the death of God's messenger.

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