These are some of the chat programs I use to communicate with Tourette Syndrome folks from all over the world. Please feel free to download these programs from the internet (virus free and absolutely free) and look me up sometime!
communique` communique`

For the new international TouretteSupportGroup on Sunday nights at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, go to:

The ICQ Download page

then enter the number #6685577, and come join the fun! Or page me with that number at:


&TouretteSupportGroup's Homepage

download AOL Instant Messager here
(my screen name for AOL Instant Messager is Lambe58, put me on your buddy list)

ICQ Chat# 4939694

mIRC Chat Download

For an innovative *new* chat site fill out the form and come on in. I will try to have this site open on Friday and Saturday nights


Nickname: (required)
Real Name: (optional)
Email: (optional)
URL: (optional)

Add chat to your web site with
the Chat @ Talk City program

Tourette Syndrome Realtime Chat

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