<bgsound src="pg-dontgiveup.mid">

GIF by Svemib
Winner, Blueprint GIF contest

Life in the 7th plane of HELL

or, who signed ME up to be bipolar?

This page is under constant and never-ending construction.

Hi, I'm Pixie. I'm a 27 year old wife & mom, diagnosed with bipolar disorder (aka manic depression) during the fall of 1996. Many others compare bipolar disorder with physical illness, such as diabetes, and state that you just have to deal with it in that manner -- as a physical disease. Unfortunately, it is a mental disorder, not as easily seen or dealt with. In addition, there is not a stigma to physical impairments, like the one that exists for mental disabilities. I look at it as "Who had the nerve to sign me up for THIS?", because it's not exactly something you'd choose to have. In fact, I hate it. When I'm not stable, I feel as if I'm living in hell, but many learn to live with bipolar disorder to one degree or another.

The above paragraph probably sounds very bitter, which I was at the time I wrote it. I have become more accepting of being bipolar with time, plus the fact that my meds have been totally changed may have something to do with it. Just thought I'd add this note, because it really IS something you can learn to live with.

Enough of this for now, for there are other pages awaiting your attention:

More information on me....
More information on bipolar disorder...
Some links to other bipolar sites...

Mail me at the address below!

© 1997, 1998 pixie_70@rocketmail.com

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