February 22, 2001 Meeting

Greetings! Despite the weather, we did meet at Wellspring on 2/22... until 10PM! Had a great group and everyone had a good time. Thank-you to all who attended and to all those who helped out before & after the event.

We reviewed 30 or so cookbooks, sampled lots of delicious new foods, had a great tour of the Wellspring Bakery & had some very productive networking time!

A membership survey was distributed... it was 2 pages and many folks didn't see the back page, so here's the email version. Please give us some feedback so we can meet your needs & engage your interests. For those who attended the meeting, use this if you've had further thoughts or if you see new questions.

We'll use your input to set goals & programming for the year.

Look forward to hearing back from you,

To fill out the survey, mark the text below with your mouse, then copy it to the clipboard (Edit - Copy) and paste it (Edit - Paste) into a note to Becky.

                             TGFG Membership Survey
Remove me from the US mail list?
Remove me from the Email list?

Update my contact information:
Name___________________________________Mailing Address________________________
Home Phone _______________Work Phone_____________  Fax_______________
Preferred mode of communication?_____________________________

Main reasons I contacted the support group:

Group Activities

I'd like to continue group activities.
     How Often?    Monthly    Quarterly Biannually
     Best day of week?   Mon  Tues Wed  Thurs      Fri  Sat  Sun
     Best time of day/evening?
     Preferred programs, activities or meeting agendas:

I'll help with the following (mark all that apply):
___Publicity     ____Event Planning & Coordination   _____Set-up/Clean-up, supplies
___Membership    ____Communication                   _____GF Vendor donations
Other (please specify):

I prefer small, local group activities (ie dining out regularly to raise
restaurant awareness).  If so, what types?
     Will you help arrange them?

Education, Community Awareness, & Networking
1. What types of education should TGFG provide?
2. What ideas do you have to help raise community awareness?
3. Are you interested in networking with other groups?
4. How would you like to see it work?
5. Will you help organize these types of programs/meetings?

Local Resources
1.  What resources should we provide?
      Will you help us develop these resources?
   2.  Ideas & Suggestions for Lee Tobin, Gluten-Free Baker at Wellspring:

3.  Have you visited the TGFG Website: www.tgfg.homepage.com?
     Ideas & Suggestions for Gordy Koehler, our webmaster:

Other Comments:

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