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L e e   T h o m a s   R u n y a n
Birthday: May 30th, 1977

I graduated Warren Central High School in Indianapolis, Indiana in '95.  I hold an Associate Degree from Ivy Tech Community College.  My major was Computer InfoSys with a Programmer/Analyst specialty (GPA 3.8). I also hold a Music Minor from Indiana University and a Two Year Certificate from Berklee College of Music in Boston!

I am a drummer and pro musician. I fiddle with the guitar and piano sometimes too.  I love all types of music.  I love playing it and I am keenly interested in the technology and business side of it as well.

I am 5'10" with brown hair/blue eyes, and I keep fit & healthy.  I am not affiliated with any particular religion or philosophy... although I am partial to some of the principles of Objectivism and Libertarianism.


02/07 - Wow... um, I haven't updated this archaic looking site now in forever! I will try to make some time to spruce it up some. I've been living in Boston for a few years now. Make trips to Indy in the summers and for the holidays. I've attended Berklee for music and it was amazing and I've worked as an overnight hotel manager in Cambridge. Played gigs with a lounge act for awhile and have contributed to various musical projects since i've been here. There have also been a couple new ladies in my life here... but nothing sticks. Bought some new drums and did some sight seeing around Massachusetts. All in all... all is well. :)

03/04 - It's been a busy past few months. I finished the music minor at IUPUI and tested out of theory. I joined 2 bands and practice with both weekly. I can sum up the past few months with these numbers actually: Two Bands, Four Classes, My Girlfriend... that's enough really. On a whim though, I applied to Berklee College of Music in Boston and actually got accepted! If I can figure out how to afford it... I'm outta here in the fall!!

09/03 - I took a break from computing and am pursuing a music minor this semester only. I love it! I've been spending more time with Sarah too, my on-again-off-again girlfriend. I've discovered the fun of Friendster.com and I love the music of the Mars Volta - going to see them in Chicago Oct. 14th!

07/03 - Just got back from San Francisco! Had a blast with my shotgun tour of the city and the nightlife. It was good seeing Charles B. again too. I hadn't seen him since London! I'm finally going to get my TMJ, jaw-popping issue looked at and I'm trying to scrounge up money for yet another year of schooling.

06/03 - I'm having a great summer now that I've quit my job. I had to quit or stay and let them fire me. The IT dept was getting a thorough reorganization and I was just a temp anyway. So, I've been loving my guitar lessons and spending lots of time with friends and exercising and swimming. I also start a summer Computer Music class on the 30th. I'm going to the Peter Gabriel concert on July 2nd.

02/03 - I might need to drop down to just three classes this semester because of my job (which I still really enjoy).  My classes are Psychology, Multimedia, and more Trigonometry ~ugh!  The class I have to drop is a Technical Writing course.  My New Year's was alright... went to a party with some friends... broke up with my girlfriend.

12/02 - Happy Holidays!  I took a relaxing vacation in sunny North Carolina for Thanksgiving.  I went down there to visit my mom and stay with my aunt/uncle for the holiday.  Now I'm back and finals are killing me!

11/02 - I'm finally starting a NEW JOB!!  I work at the corporate offices for HHGREGG.  They are primarily an appliance/electronics retailer with 40+ stores in the Midwest.  I'm in the IS dept taking help desk calls, fixing and upgrading PCs, and doing the server backups.

08/02 - Starting a new round of schooling at IUPUI.  Taking Commercial Web Design, Multimedia Programming, more VB6, and Trig (yuck!).

05/02 - Jeez, what a month! I graduated community college, turned 25, moved to a new house, went to AFRICA... and on & on...

01/02 - I had a great time this holiday season!  Christmas was okay, but with my brother, sis, & mom in other states... it felt sort of lonely at times.  New Year's was fun, though.  Parties, music, girls, yum!  Now it is back to the books.  I'm taking Systems Analysis & Design, Advanced Cobol, Visual Basic, and SQL.  I will likely take a humanities course in the summer along with Advanced Web Design I think.

12/01 - Another semester down.  Only 1½ semesters to go now at Ivy Tech.  I've been talking and hanging out with a beautiful and sweet Ethiopian woman.  We met at school and she is 23.  We are just friends I guess...

10/01 - Finally finishing up a complete site redesign here...

09/11/01 - What a horrific day! I awoke this morning to my radio alarm clock - the voice announcing that planes had crashed into the trade center. I switched on the TV and saw the tape of the plane deliberately crashing into the skyscraper. I watched live as word of the pentagon attack surfaced... and then I saw both WTC towers fall to the ground. My heart goes out to the many families who've lost their loved ones today.

08/01 - New summer pics are up! Started Fall semester - Biology, COBOL, Data Communication, & Web Design. My brother went off to the marines. I have been getting great praise for my drumming lately - just from playing downtown every now and then - that's pretty cool. Almost joined a band [Pop Lolita], but it didn't work out because another guy knew their material already and I had never heard a single song by them.

07/01 - Summer fun baby! ...and summer school as well. Also improving my drum skills by playing for hours at a time downtown on the square at Washington & Illinois Saturday evenings. 24th bday came and went and I feel it. Theme for my summer so far is... sleeping in late and sexual frustration!

04/01 - Wrapping up my freshman year at Ivy Tech. I was recently inducted into Phi Theta Kappa - an international honor society. Made the Dean's List too. Had to get glasses. Damn computer screens! I think the glasses look good on me though, so no biggie.

01/01 - Enjoying more socialization now at my friend's new house. Music, fun, parties, and new people... this is what I needed. This semester should be a piece of cake... I should've taken five courses.

12/00 - The holidays are here! I have 18 credits already from Ivy Tech and a 4.0 GPA! I am such an anti-social nerd. haha! -@_@-

06/00 - Just turned 23(time flies!). I still have that action plan for my business, but never did any of it. I guess I still lack alot of the courage and skill it takes. I'm in school now taking classes for business and computers. I like my classes and teachers. All is hunky-dory.

05/00 - Worked 2 jobs through March and April. FedEx and BMG Music. Now I am back to just nights at Fedex and I've registered for classes at Ivy Tech State College. I am also putting together an action plan for my NWM business which I will implement starting next week - I think it will go over quite well.

02/00 - Vacation pictures are posted! I'm working part-time nights at Federal Express now and still looking for a day job.

01/00 - HAPPY NEW YEAR / MILLENIUM!! Had a blast in Europe. Only made it to London and Paris, but Charles went on to Amsterdam. I was by Big Ben/Parliament in the park along the Thames River for New Years fireworks. It was spectacular! Saw plenty of sights/sites throughout London and Paris. Just got a scanner so pictures are on the way. Now I have to look for a new job... YUCK!!

12/99 - Just quit my job at a local hotel. Leave for Europe on the 29th. Back on the 10th of January.

11/99 - Just got my plane tickets to Europe. My Y2K Vacation! Going to London, Paris, and Amsterdam with two friends - Charles Brandt and Jason Raibley. Signed up at AllAdvantage finally after receiving numerous e-mails from different people at PlanetAll.

08/99 - Hello. Waking up now... I'm wondering why my life is not turning out the way I had planned. Did I underestimate life or overestimate my ability to handle it? ...maybe both.

02/98 - initial launch of this site... (and the reason for the 98 in leemail98)


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