by Joe McClory
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

According to the Funk & Wagnall’s Dictionary, the definition of nicotine is; "an acrid, poisonous, oily alkaloid." Why would anybody want to put this poisonous alkaloid into their bodies? Be it by smoking, patch or nicorete gum?  For as far back as I can remember Hypnotists have been associated with stop smoking. And we do this with great success.

Eighteen years ago I smoked as much as four packs of cigarettes a day, a very expensive and damaging habit.  I went to a hypnotist and have not had a cigarette, or a desire for one since. Over these past eighteen years I have probably saved over $30,000.00 dollars by just not smoking.  (I had a young couple come to my office to quit smoking and we figured out that with what they would save as non-smokers they could lease a brand new BMW).

The physical damage caused by smoking is too extensive to list here, as are the many, many benefits of being a non-smoker.  For me quitting smoking was so easy, and I was so impressed, that I started to study hypnosis. In the past ten years I have helped thousands of people to quit.  My clients will tell you that they didn’t give up anything.  They gained freedom.  They would also tell you that they had no withdrawal.  No weight Gain.  No nervousness.  Just Freedom.

By being a non-smoker you’ll look years younger.  Your complexion becomes radiant.  You’ll look and feel healthier, have more energy, as well as feel and smell cleaner.  Not only do you win by being a non-smoker, your loved ones, (even your pets) will be living in a cleaner, healthier environment.

Over the last ten years, that I have been helping people to quit smoking I have found that there may be some physical addiction to nicotine, but the real addiction is to the ritual of smoking.  Smoking, is a very strong psychological habit.  Since all habits are in the unconscious mind Hypnosis has to be the treatment of choice to quit smoking.  I believe I was the first hypnotist to guarantee success in one session or come back free.  Contrary to some peoples beliefs, everybody can be hypnotized, after all, we pass right through a state of hypnosis on our way to sleep.  While in hypnosis, you never lose control, rarely lose consciousness, and hear everything the Hypnotist says.  So, if you would like to be a non-smoker, to live a happier, cleaner, healthier life, call now, immediately 925-934-4755.  For a very small investment now, you can save many thousands of dollars over a lifetime.  Meanwhile, your money and your health are going up in smoke.


The Accomplishment Center
1200 Mt Diablo #105
Walnut Creek,  California  94596
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