Unexplained Skin Rashes
Widespread pain, in muscles, joints, or both
Morning stiffness, or more pain upon waking
Digestive problems (frequent nausea, acid indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps)
Irritable bowel - alternating diarrhea/constipation
Sleep disorder (Problems getting to sleep, or remaining asleep)
Hair loss
Blurred vision
Numbness, tingling, or sharp shooting pains in legs, arms, face Mouth sores
Dry eyes, nose, mouth
Muscular weakness
Difficulty concentrating and/or Short term Memory Loss (frequently forgetting what is said to you, what you just read, what you ate for today, or where you left your purse, parked your car ...)
Chest Pains (either burning,local pain, or pain like you may be having heart attack
Low grade, frequent fevers
These symptoms are just a few of the abnormal things that begin to happen, then can go away, and be dismissed. You may have one or two symptoms and they disapear to something else that you shove off because you are too busy or tired to deal with it. Or you may think you are alright for years, or become ill right from the start. No one is the same. But, please do not dismiss these things.... You are the only one that can determine whether a particular symptom is a change from what is normal. Or if you, or a loved one has had any of these symptoms for a period of time, or if something is concerning you. Please see a doctor. If he does not take you serious, see another... This is not intended to give medical advice, but only to provide a partial list of what others experience. See other Links provided below for more information.